The City Council and the County Commission met at the Courthouse today to discuss the existing swimming pool and how we might work together to support the Pool as it exists now and into the future. Both the City Council and the County Commission re-affirmed that the Pool is an important community asset for a multitude of reasons.
Good News
At this morning's meeting, the Council and Commission made the decision to partner in financing the operation and maintenance of the Pool. The Pool currently operates at a loss. Users of the Pool are roughly made up of 33% City Residents 33% County Residents and 33% Visitors. A committee of (4) with (2) representatives from both the Council and Commission will work together to formalize this partnership.
Today's action is a major step toward the accomplishment of one of the City Priorities established in this week's Priority Planning Session. Participants in this meeting agreed that this is just one of many areas the City and County can combine resources to benefit the Public.