Wednesday, April 29, 2009

City Council Meeting

A full Council was present for today's City Council Meeting. Also in attendance were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Don Davison.

City Council Meeting

Although several members of the public were in attendance at today's Council Meeting, nobody spoke at the Open Forum.

ATVs on City Streets
Betsy Perry, representing the Cook County ATV Club, asked if a legal determination about jurisdiction had been made regarding County State Aid Roads within the City of Grand Marais. Don Davison advised that he and Tim Scannell had communicated and reached the conclusion that the County Board has authority over County State Aid roads even within Grand Marais. Council agreed unanimously to encourage the County Board to leave County State Aid Roads within the city limits open to ATV riders. Mayor Hakes will draft a letter of support to the County Board stating this position.

Summer Festivals
Council unanimously approved the Grand Marais Art Colony's Application for Street & Sidewalk use to host their 19th Annual Grand Marais Arts Festival July 11-12, 2009. Just one change was made from last year's festival; vendors will be responsible for removal of their own garbage.

Council unanimously approved Como Oil & Propane's request for Customer Appreciation Day to be held on July 8 at the City Parking Lot from 9 AM to 2 PM. Como will be responsible for garbage removal during and after this event.

(3) part-time lifeguards and (1) seasonal maintenance worker have been hired in the Park Department. Kyle Oberg and Kirk Oberg were approved as Volunteer Fire Fighters in Grand Marais.

DEED Grant Application
Council authorized Dick Grabko of SEH to apply for funding to help pay for additional repairs needed in the Cedar Grove Business Park resulting from the storm last June 6. A request for $104,800 is being submitted to cover costs not previously covered by FEMA.

Creechville Annexation
After discussion, Council approved (4-1) the First Reading of Ordinance No. 2009-01 to annex land located in the Blackwell Addition in Creechville. A Second Reading will occur at the next City Council Meeting on May 13. Council acknowledged the difficulty in this annexation and that some affected residents are opposed. However, Council determined that it is in the best interest of the public to move forward with this annexation for the following reasons: planning for growth, fairness in taxation, public health, urban character of the area. It was also noted that some residents in this area are in favor of the annexation.

The City hosted a public hearing to consider this annexation by ordinance on April 8, 2009. At this hearing an estimate of taxes before and after annexation was requested. This tax information, along with estimated assessments for those four property owners affected by the water and sewer project, is available at City Hall.

Other Notes
Sue Hakes contacted MN DOT Traffic Engineer, Rob Ege, regarding traffic problems, safety concerns, lack of crosswalks, and pedestrian friendliness in Grand Marais. Tim Kennedy, Kay Costello, Mike Roth and Hakes will host Ege to discuss these problems and work to identify short and long term solutions.

Sue Hakes reported that the DNR Legal Council has notified us that the DNR will not do any harbor breakwall work that enhances or improves private property. Having this information is important in taking the next steps for design of a Grand Marais Safe Harbor & Marina as outlined in Resolution No. 2007-05.

Several cities in Northern MN have been funded with stimulus money. Council has agreed to a Work Session to identify shovel ready projects for Grand Marais that might qualify for future funding. Projects to explore include replacement of fire hydrants and the Creechville sewer project.

Council & Staff Reports
Jan Sivertson reported on CCLEP Windpower, Tourism Meeting and EDA. Bill Lenz announced that the Park Board has pared the proposed park plans to (2). Kay Costello reported on the 1% Sales Tax effort and Joint Powers Rec Board.

Mark Your Calendars

Wed May 13 at 3:30 Worksession on City Budget
Wed May 13 at 4:30 City Council Meeting
Tues May 19 at 7:00 PM Park Master Planning at Community Center--Public Input Needed
Wed May 28 at 3:30 Stimulus Funding Worksession
Wed May 28 at 4:30 City Council Meeting
Wed June 10 at 4:30 City Council Meeting
Wed June 24 at 4:40 City Council Meeting

Monday, April 13, 2009

Congratulations Grand Marais Firefighters

Six members of the Grand Marais Volunteer Fire Department have completed the training and demonstrated the proficiency required for Firefighter II Training. Congratulations go out to Randy Bockovich, Aaron Mielke, Jim Roy, Gideon Silence, Matt Ziller and Fire Chief Ben Silence on this significant accomplishment. Their committment and service, and the service of each member of the Grand Marais Volunteer Fire Department, is greatly appreciated. Tell 'em thanks next time you see them!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Grand Marais National Volunteer Week

In conjunction with a Presidential Proclamation for the 36th Annual National Volunteer Week, April 19-25 is Grand Marais National Volunteer Week! Please take the time to thank a volunteer that has made a difference in your life. Please take the time to think of ways you can use your time, talents and unique gifts to contribute in our Grand Marais community. Pay it forward!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Budget Worksession and City Council Meeting Notes

Budget Worksession

The Council is continuing to work with City Staff and Department Heads to amend the 2009 Budget as a result of the 40% reduction in the 2nd Local Government Aid (LGA) payment in December 2008. In addition, the Council is preparing for the proposed Local Government Aid budget cuts for 2009 and 2010. Budget goals include identifying a $50K budget adjustment in 2009 and $100K adjustment in 2010. In addition, it was agreed that the amended budget needs to a) reflect Council priorities, b) avoid layoffs, and c) avoid significant tax increases. In May, the Department Heads will propose specific cuts and the associated negative consequences for consideration by the Council.

The Council expressed written concern to both Senator Tom Bakk and Representative Dave Dill over Governor Pawlenty's proposed cuts to LGA. Council asked them to support the current House proposal which would have a less negative impact on jobs, services and property taxes for cities.

City Council Meeting

A full Council was present for today's City Council Meeting. Others in attendance were Mike Roth, Don Davison, Kim Dunsmoor and Dave Tersteeg.

ATV Use in Grand Marais
Grand Marais residents Rhonda Silence (Secretary) and Betsy Perry (Member) of the Cook County ATV Club requested clarification of ATV use on Grand Marais City Streets. Currently, in the absence of an ordinance prohibiting ATV operation on city streets, ATVs are allowed to drive on the streets of Grand Marais. To date this has not been a problem; there have been no accidents or tickets issued in the city to date.

However, there are (7) streets within the city that are considered state-aid roads: County Road 7, Broadway Avenue, Wisconsin Street, 8th Avenue West, 5th Avenue West (old Gunflint Trail), Creechville Road (4th Ave West) above CR 7, and Ninth Street. Because of their state-aid designation, jurisdiction of these roads is unclear. A legal opinion is necessary to determine whether these roads fall under County or City rule. Don Davison will contact Tim Scannell to make this determination and will advise at the April 29 Council Meeting.

The Council agreed that consistent allowance of ATV usage within the City is clearly a desired goal and that ATV usage on these state-aid roads would not be prohibited by the Council.

Angry Trout Variance
A variance from the shoreline setbacks allowing an addition to the restaurant dining room and an addition to the outside deck area was approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. The variance is subject to all DNR approvals and rules and retaining the existing parking/open space. This site has been used for commercial purposes for at least 75 years; the Angry Trout has operated successfully in this location since 1987.

Congestion, parking and pedestrian friendliness are issues needing attention along Highway 61, particularly at the intersection of Highway 61 and the Old Gunflint Trail near the Angry Trout. Councilor Kennedy expressed specific concerns about safety. Sue Hakes will contact MN DOT to invite them to Grand Marais to observe and discuss potential solutions.

Annexation Hearing
A public hearing to consider the Annexation by Ordinance of the remaining Blackwell Addition that is currently surrounded by City Limits was held starting at 5 PM. Although an earlier public hearing was held to consider this annexation, the State advised another hearing because one of the properties changed ownership.

Input from approximately 6 residents was heard with nobody present speaking in support of the annexation being considered. The Council will take the public input into consideration. A First and Second Reading of the Ordinance will take place at the next two City Council meetings. The Council will work with County Auditor/Treasurer Braidy Powers to provide information regarding property tax increases and when they will go into effect if the Annexation is approved.

Council & Staff Reports
Councilor Lenz reported that the Harbor Friends would like to gift their Outdoor Classsroom Program to the City; this is being discussed by the Park Board.

Councilor Costello will contact Michael Fischer for an update on the 1% Sales Tax effort and advise.

Mike Roth noted that the huge pile of snow in front of the Trading Post is blocking 2 parking spots and making parking difficult in front of the store and causing concern for the property owner. Because of the time of year, the City had intended to let this (and other) snow piles melt away. Instead, the Council voted 3-2 to offer to split the cost of this snow removal with the property owner.

National Volunteer Week
Mayor Hakes proclaimed April 19-25, 2009 to be National Volunteer Week in Grand Marais in conjunction with a Presidential proclamation for the same. Please use this time to honor all the volunteers who tirelessly share their time and talent with those in need.

Mark Your Calendars
Tues, April 21 at 3:30 PM, Special Park Board Worksession at City Hall
Wed, April 29 at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeting
Wed, May 13 at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeting
Wed, May 27 at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeting
Thur, May 28 at 4:00 PM, Joint County/City School/Tribal Council Meeting at Grand Portage

Call City Hall at 387-1848 to confirm meeting times and locations.