Today was time very well spent. The City Council and Department Heads worked all day to figure out where to best spend our time and resources for the next two years. City Administrator Mike Roth, assisted by Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor, facilitated the meeting.
State of the City
A clear understanding of the current condition of City Assets and each Department was critical to the process of setting priorities for the City of Grand Marais. Department reviews were given by each Department Head, as well as the Economic Development Authority (EDA).
Library--Linda Chappell
EDA--Matt Geretschlaeger
Liquor Store--Pat Hennessy
PUC Electrical Department--Mike Taylor
Recreation Area--Dave Tersteeg
Property Maintenance--Tom Stockman
PUC Water & Sewer Department--Tom Nelson
These overviews were extremely useful in understanding the condition of assets, human resources, challenges, budget needs, goals and current/future projects for each Department.
The Process
Narrowing the City's Priority list to 4-6 was difficult as anticipated. We began by generating a list of all potential priorities, big and small. From that rather comprehensive list we bundled similar ideas together to create a list of 18. Paring this list down to a manageable size was quite challenging. The Council and each Department Head was asked to vote for and defend their Top Priorities. The resulting list, which was approved by the City Council, is as follows:
Priority List for 2009-2010
It was agreed at the beginning of this worksession that the Priority List would be a living document; we expect the list to evolve and change as we move forward. Here is the list, and with the exception of passing the 1% Sales Tax, there is no firm order of importance.
1% Sales Tax
Support is strong for working to pass this tax to be used toward Recreational Infrastructure in Cook County. This was a clear priority.
Swimming Pool
The City and County need an agreement regarding the Pool. Location and sharing Operation & Maintenance costs need to be figured out. The 1% Sales Tax is a possible funding source for the Pool as part of a broader Community Center/Recreation Area. (The City and County are meeting to discuss the Pool on Wednesday March 4 at 8 AM at the Courthouse.)
Maintenance Facility
The existing PUC Garage is inadequate and needs to be replaced. And, it does not belong in the Rec Park. The City is exploring the possibility of a joint facility with the County (and other agencies), funding options, and location.
Safe Harbor/Marina
Resolution No. 2007-05 for the Safe Harbor Marina Project was passed during Mayor Larsen's administration. It will be the basis for providing the requested project description and cost estimate to Congressman James Oberstar for submission to the Detroit Office of the Army Corp of Engineers for review and evaluation. (The Council and DNR are meeting Tuesday March 17 from 9 AM to Noon at City Hall.)
Municipal Building
The current City Hall Building--which is also home to the Liquor Store and the Tourism Information Center--is in really tough shape with respect to electrical and HVAC systems, roof, plumbing, storage, etc. A Muncipal Building Task Force will be appointed to look at this issue and make a recommendation to the Council.
Capital Improvements
We need a plan to improve/replace City Buildings and City Infrastructure (water, sewer, electric). The plan needs to set priorities and identify funding sources. The SEH Grant writer will be tasked with finding funds.
Rec Park Master Plan
A planning process is currently underway with the goal being development of a Master Plan for the Rec Park that will be adopted by the Council. Public input to the process and an implementation strategy are critical for success.
Core Values
Identification of our core values was not the goal of the day. However, as we worked through the issues, certain values appeared and re-appeared. Here's a start on what we believe to be our core values.
1. We must always do our best to communicate with the Public.
2. We must be responsible with public funds and manage the Budget.
3. We need to be environmentally responsible.
Monday, March 2, 2009
City Priorities Workshop
1% Sales Tax,
2009 Priorities,
Library Board,
Rec Park,
Rec Park Visioning,
Safe Harbor/Marina