Council Worksession on Economic Development Authority
Today's Council Worksession was held on the Cook County/Grand Marais Economic Development Authority. In attendance was the full City Council, EDA Director Matt Geretschlaeger, Bruce Martinson, Don Davison, Kim Dunsmoor.
The Council goals for this Worksession were to a) gather background information and enhance Council's understanding of the current state of the EDA, and b) provide strategic direction from the City to the EDA.
Below is a brief summary of the topics discussed:
1. The EDA Mission Statement needs review. Affordable Housing was not on the Mission Statement provided but has clearly been a major goal.
2. The EDA is currently in litigation with the MPCA at the Cedar Grove Business Park and with Northern Communities Land Trust.
3. Superior National Golf Course is owned and operated by the EDA and overseen by a Golf Course Subcommittee of Jim Hall, Mark Sandbo and Jan Sivertson.
4. A marketing strategy to sell lots in the Business Park is currently under development. EDA Director Matt Geretschlaeger and the Council agreed that this must be a priority. Lot sales will be used to pay off the bonds sold for the Business Park infrastructure.
5. The joint housing initiative between the Cook County/Grand Marais EDA and the Lake county HRA is going well. Nancy Grabko is the Housing Coordinator.
6. Newer economic development opportunities aren't getting the focus and attention needed due to the workload of items 2, 3, 4 above. New opportunities include: Events Pavillion business plan development unanimously approved by EDA Board, Multi-Facility Garage project, Cook County Local Energy Project business opportunities.
7. A discussion of workload and possible ways to distribute work to the EDA Board or other entities was discussed with no resolution.
8. The annual EDA Budget is approximately $140,000 which includes the joint housing initiative.
Economic Development---one process by which we can improve the social well-being of our residents in Grand Marais and in Cook County---is clearly a huge task. Determining how the Council can best support the EDA and Matt Geretschlaeger in this important work needs to be figured out.
City Council Meeting
Attendance at today's regularly scheduled Council Meeting included the full City Council, Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Don Davison. Nobody spoke at the Open Forum.
Agenda Items
Dave Tersteeg and Amber Clay gave an update on the Pool Pals fundraising efforts for an AquaClimb climbing wall for the municipal pool. With the recent County Recreation Fund donation of $10,000, the Pool Pals have raised $17,379 of $20,000 needed. Their request for the City to front the remaining $2,622 needed to purchase the AquaClimb was approved unanimously by the Council. Fundraising will continue; a pancake breakfast is planned. The AquaClimb should be installed and ready by the summer season.
The Council voted unanimously to approve the resolution for the $100,000 loan to the EDA for startup money for the Golf Course. The contingencies set previously by the Council for approving this loan have been met.
City Attorney Don Davison is exploring a City Diversion Program for minor offenses (misdemeanors and petty misdemeanors) committed within the City of Grand Marais. The Council basically agreed that there are potential benefits to the City and the Public through diversion programs. Council asked Davison to work with County Attorney Tim Scannell to ensure that any City Diversion program be consistent with the County Diversion program.
Councilor Reports
Bill Lenz gave notice of the 2nd Park Board Listening Session scheduled for Thursday 4/2/09 at 6:30 at the Community Center. The Public is strongly encouraged to attend and participate. Information on the Master Plan Process is available at the Library, Java Moose, City Hall, Park Office and on the website at
Lenz also reported that the Park Board asked the City Council to request the EDA move forward on development of a Business Plan for the Events Pavillion concept.
Tim Kennedy gave an update on the 1% Sales Tax Committee meeting held last week with Consultant Michael Fischer. Language for the legislation request was approved by the Committee and forwarded to Tom Bakk's office.
Kennedy also reported that County Commissioners Bob Fenwick and Jim Johnson had a productive meeting with Amy Klobuchar and Jim Oberstar in Washington, DC regarding Broad Band funding for Cook County.
And, Kennedy reported on possible funding for a feasibility study on the Biomass District Heating project being explored by CCLEP.
Mark Your Calendars
Thur 4/2 6:30 Park Master Planning Listening Session
at the Community Center
Wed 4/8 3:30 Budget Worksession
Wed 4/8 4:30 City Council Meeting
Wed 4/8 5:00 Annexation Hearing
Wed 4/29 4:30 City Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Worksession on Economic Development Authority and City Council Meeting Notes
1% Sales Tax,
Broad Band Committee,
Park Board,
Rec Park,
Rec Park Visioning