Meeting Notice
The Grand Marais City Council has invited the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to a Planning Worksession for a Small Craft Harbor and Marina in Grand Marais. This meeting will be held on Tuesday March 17 from 9:00 AM to Noon in the City Council Chambers. The Public is welcome.
A Brief Recap of Recent History
In 2003, the City of Grand Marais initiated a planning process for a Safe Harbor and Marina development in the Grand Marais Harbor. A Harbor Advisory Committee was appointed to conduct a public planning effort. The Harbor Advisory Committee labored for nearly two years, and ultimately reached consensus on a location. All members of this Committee were willing to accept the existing marina location in the northwest corner of the harbor as the location for the improved and expanded Safe Harbor and Marina.
In April 2007, under Mayor Evelyn Larsen, the City Council adopted Resolution 2007-05. In that resolution, the City agreed to continue participation with the DNR and US Army Corp of Engineers in planning and design of a Safe Harbor and Marina. The City Council, under Mayor Larsen, set forth certain parameters including a location in the northwest corner of the harbor (existing marina location) and a new basin size of about 6-acres.
In March 2008, the Harbor Friends and the Grand Marais Business Council came together before the City Council to lend their joint support for Resolution 2007-05. In a letter to the City Council, they encouraged the City to move forward with an improved marina and basin development in the existing marina location and proposed the remedial action of shifting the existing breakwall to the south as a design starting point.
In March 2009, Mayor Sue Hakes and the current City Council agreed to support Resolution 2007-05 (passed under Mayor Larsen) and identified it as one of their top priorities.
Meeting Goals & Objectives
In response to an email from Mayor Sue Hakes regarding the Stimulus Bill, Congressman Jim Oberstar suggested the City of Grand Marais direct any efforts for a Safe Harbor & Marina project toward the Army Corp of Engineers. Mr. Oberstar requested that we forward a project description and cost estimate directly to him (Oberstar) to forward on to the Detroit Office of the Corp for review and evaluation. A plan for responding to Mr. Oberstar is the proposed goal for the March 17 meeting.
Community Coming Together
Public input has been given and has been heard. This community has worked hard to come to a general agreement on a location and size for a Safe Harbor and Marina in Grand Marais.
I will continue to support Resolution 2007-05 (as passed under Mayor Larsen) for planning and designing a Safe Harbor and Marina in the northwest corner of the harbor and with a new basin size of about 6 acres.---Sue Hakes