The Liquor Store
Earlier in the week, Pat Hennessy, Liquor Store Manager, showed me around the Grand Marais Liquor Store, an extremely important City Asset. The Liquor Store shares the City Hall Municipal Building with City Offices, the Tourist Information Center and the EDA. The building is certainly large enough for each of these entities, but because the building is a former jail and former fire hall, much of the space just doesn't work. The Liquor Store could use more storage and work space. In addition, the Municipal Building has serious maintenance issues including electrical & HVAC systems, roof and plumbing. Solutions to the immediate storage needs for the Liquor Store are being explored.
The Library
This morning, Librarian Linda Chappell gave me the full tour of the Library. Like the Liquor Store, the Library is squeezed into its space. Every nook and cranny has a purpose and something in it. The Library's role to provide free access to information in a variety of formats is ever changing as technology evolves. Our Library is in good condition; we need to maintain it to keep it in good repair. It's also in a wonderful central location that makes a statement about what we value in this Community.