The full Council attended today's regularly scheduled City Council Meeting.
Open Forum
John McClure spoke at the Open Forum expressing concerns about the City's Ordinance 2004-01 regarding attendance at City Board Meetings (i.e., Planning Commission, Park Board, etc.). He asked specifically about the date in which a board position becomes abandoned due to absenteeism and how that might impact previous recommendations made by that Board.
John McClure also suggested the City Council examine its contract with Law Enforcement as a possible cost savings for the City.
Agenda Items
A permit approving use of street and sidewalks was approved for the Violence Prevention Center's "Take Back the Night" March to be held as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Scheduled for 7:30 - 9:00 PM on April, 2, the March will begin at Harbor Park and end at the Courthouse.
Harley and Shele Toftey requested a variance from the shoreline setback of Lake Superior to construct a new fish processing facility. The new facility will be 20' from the shoreline, replacing an older building that was just 10' from the shoreline. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request at their last meeting. The City Council voted unanimously to approve the variance.
City Staff prepared and presented a 2008 attendance report for all City appointed board members still in their positions. Overall, board attendance is good. The Council discussed Ordinance 2004-01 and the need to clarify when a board position is officially abandoned. Don Davison will research this issue and advise the Council.
Craig Schulte and Jim Shinners were both unanimously appointed to the Planning Commission; these appointments fill the last (2) vacancies on this Board. Other members of the Planning Commission are Tim Kennedy, Sherri Carlson, and Carol Backlund.
Council unanimously approved hiring Bob Mattson on a part-time basis in the Property Maintenance Department. The City was fortunate to receive (7) qualified applicants for this position; Bob was awarded the job due to his extensive experience in the Property Maintenance Department.
Council discussed the proposed Worksession Agenda for Tuesday's meeting with the DNR on the Safe Harbor & Marina. This worksession is scheduled for March 17 from 9:00 AM to Noon in Council Chambers. The public is invited.
Councilor Lenz expressed concern about City and County support for a new animal shelter, particularly in light of pending budget cuts. Lenz will continue to work on establishing a cost estimate for this facility. And, although this project wasn't identified as a top City priority, it will remain on the list of possible joint City and County projects.
Councilors Bill Lenz and Jan Sivertson were appointed to the City/County Work Group to formalize the City/County agreement to partner in supporting the Pool.
Mark Your Calendars
Mar 17 9:00 AM Safe Harbor/Marina Meeting w/DNR
Mar 25 3:30 PM City Council Worksession--EDA Priorities
Mar 25 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Apr 8 3:30 PM City Council Worksession--Budget
Apr 8 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Apr 8 5:00 PM Annexation Hearing
Apr 29 4:30 City Council Meeting
Reminder--the Park Board is in the midst of their Master Planning Process. To learn more about this important work and how to participate go to:
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Council Meeting Notes
Park Board,
Planning Commission,
Rec Park,
Rec Park Visioning,
Safe Harbor/Marina