Council Worksession on Economic Development Authority
Today's Council Worksession was held on the Cook County/Grand Marais Economic Development Authority. In attendance was the full City Council, EDA Director Matt Geretschlaeger, Bruce Martinson, Don Davison, Kim Dunsmoor.
The Council goals for this Worksession were to a) gather background information and enhance Council's understanding of the current state of the EDA, and b) provide strategic direction from the City to the EDA.
Below is a brief summary of the topics discussed:
1. The EDA Mission Statement needs review. Affordable Housing was not on the Mission Statement provided but has clearly been a major goal.
2. The EDA is currently in litigation with the MPCA at the Cedar Grove Business Park and with Northern Communities Land Trust.
3. Superior National Golf Course is owned and operated by the EDA and overseen by a Golf Course Subcommittee of Jim Hall, Mark Sandbo and Jan Sivertson.
4. A marketing strategy to sell lots in the Business Park is currently under development. EDA Director Matt Geretschlaeger and the Council agreed that this must be a priority. Lot sales will be used to pay off the bonds sold for the Business Park infrastructure.
5. The joint housing initiative between the Cook County/Grand Marais EDA and the Lake county HRA is going well. Nancy Grabko is the Housing Coordinator.
6. Newer economic development opportunities aren't getting the focus and attention needed due to the workload of items 2, 3, 4 above. New opportunities include: Events Pavillion business plan development unanimously approved by EDA Board, Multi-Facility Garage project, Cook County Local Energy Project business opportunities.
7. A discussion of workload and possible ways to distribute work to the EDA Board or other entities was discussed with no resolution.
8. The annual EDA Budget is approximately $140,000 which includes the joint housing initiative.
Economic Development---one process by which we can improve the social well-being of our residents in Grand Marais and in Cook County---is clearly a huge task. Determining how the Council can best support the EDA and Matt Geretschlaeger in this important work needs to be figured out.
City Council Meeting
Attendance at today's regularly scheduled Council Meeting included the full City Council, Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Don Davison. Nobody spoke at the Open Forum.
Agenda Items
Dave Tersteeg and Amber Clay gave an update on the Pool Pals fundraising efforts for an AquaClimb climbing wall for the municipal pool. With the recent County Recreation Fund donation of $10,000, the Pool Pals have raised $17,379 of $20,000 needed. Their request for the City to front the remaining $2,622 needed to purchase the AquaClimb was approved unanimously by the Council. Fundraising will continue; a pancake breakfast is planned. The AquaClimb should be installed and ready by the summer season.
The Council voted unanimously to approve the resolution for the $100,000 loan to the EDA for startup money for the Golf Course. The contingencies set previously by the Council for approving this loan have been met.
City Attorney Don Davison is exploring a City Diversion Program for minor offenses (misdemeanors and petty misdemeanors) committed within the City of Grand Marais. The Council basically agreed that there are potential benefits to the City and the Public through diversion programs. Council asked Davison to work with County Attorney Tim Scannell to ensure that any City Diversion program be consistent with the County Diversion program.
Councilor Reports
Bill Lenz gave notice of the 2nd Park Board Listening Session scheduled for Thursday 4/2/09 at 6:30 at the Community Center. The Public is strongly encouraged to attend and participate. Information on the Master Plan Process is available at the Library, Java Moose, City Hall, Park Office and on the website at
Lenz also reported that the Park Board asked the City Council to request the EDA move forward on development of a Business Plan for the Events Pavillion concept.
Tim Kennedy gave an update on the 1% Sales Tax Committee meeting held last week with Consultant Michael Fischer. Language for the legislation request was approved by the Committee and forwarded to Tom Bakk's office.
Kennedy also reported that County Commissioners Bob Fenwick and Jim Johnson had a productive meeting with Amy Klobuchar and Jim Oberstar in Washington, DC regarding Broad Band funding for Cook County.
And, Kennedy reported on possible funding for a feasibility study on the Biomass District Heating project being explored by CCLEP.
Mark Your Calendars
Thur 4/2 6:30 Park Master Planning Listening Session
at the Community Center
Wed 4/8 3:30 Budget Worksession
Wed 4/8 4:30 City Council Meeting
Wed 4/8 5:00 Annexation Hearing
Wed 4/29 4:30 City Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Small Craft Harbor/Marina Worksession
The City Council hosted the Department of Natural Resources for 3 hours on March 17 to discuss how we might work together for a Safe Harbor and Marina in the Grand Marais Harbor.
City Council Attendees: Mayor Sue Hakes, Bill Lenz, Jan Sivertson, Tim Kennedy
City Employees: Mike Roth, Dave Tersteeg, Kim Dunsmoor
DNR Attendees: Larry Killian (Harbors Program) and Tom Peterson (Operations & Maintenance Program)
Abbreviated Meeting Notes:
Sue Hakes welcomed the DNR and self-introductions were made. Hakes then made a few brief remarks about the hard work that has been done in Grand Marais to come to the general agreement for the Safe Harbor Marina project outlined in Resolution 2007-05 which passed under Mayor Larsen. Hakes acknowledged that much Public Input has been given and has been heard and it is now the responsibility of this City Council to take action in moving that resolution forward.
Larry Killian gave an overview of the following:
- North Shore Harbors Program
- Community Project Development Process
- Other Projects in Process (Two Harbors)
Killian also gave a Funding Overview and potential partnerships:
- The Army Corp of Engineers (Federal) requires a 50/50 cost-share for Boating & Safety projects. A project for our Safe Harbor & Marina could fall under the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). The City hopes to work with Congressman Oberstar for inclusion in that bill.
- The MN Department of Natural Resources (State) has a wealth of experience in working with the Army Corp on Harbor and Marina projects. The DNR brings design and development expertise--typically funded through the State Bonding Bill--and can be the 50% cost-share for projects with the Army Corp.
- A partnership for the design, development and construction of a Harbor & Marina in Grand Marais could be structured with the City of Grand Marais, DNR & Army Corp of Engineers.
- New Marina Operation and Management could be done by the City of Grand Marais, the DNR, or a 3rd Party.
Sue Hakes gave an overview of Resolution 2007-05 noting specifically that it must be located in the NW corner of the harbor with a basin size of about 6 acres. Hakes also noted that community support has been demonstrated by the joint letter presented to the City Council on March 7, 2008 from the Grand Marais Business Council and the Harbor Friends which supports Resolution 2007-05.
At this point, a discussion was held on several issues, with (3) being the most significant at this time:
Private Property Owners
The rights of private property owners within a Safe Harbor must be considered with respect to liability. Also, any advantage created for private property owners by development of a Harbor or Marina must be addressed. These private property issues must be resolved prior to any funding.
Land Control
The State must have control of the land within a Safe Harbor. This does not necessarily mean State ownership. Options for control include ownership, lease, or easement. The City of Grand Marais has an example of how a lease arrangement can work successfully in their lease agreement with North House Folk School.
DNR Harbor Criteria
The DNR has guidelines for state harbors and marinas. Further discussion and understanding is required to determine how both the DNR and City of Grand Marais criteria may be met through this project.
Also discussed..
Dave Tersteeg (City Park Manager) has been working for over a year with the Tom Peterson to improve the existing ramp in the SW Corner of the Harbor. New docks have been ordered for installation this summer. Further improvement to this ramp is under consideration.
1. Larry Killian will meet with DNR Acquisition & Development Management in St. Paul (Stan Linnell and Kent Skaar) to determine private property owner rights issues and DNR requirements.
2. Sue Hakes and Jan Sivertson will create a short informational pamphlet regarding the Safe Harbor and Marina project in Grand Marais. This pamphlet will be used on a temporary basis to begin raising awareness with our State Legislators Tom Bakk and David Dill, and possibly Congressman Oberstar, Senator Klobuchar. This pamphlet will be used until a more technical proposal with some design concepts and costs can be developed.
This meeting was a good first step toward meeting our mutual goals.
City Council Attendees: Mayor Sue Hakes, Bill Lenz, Jan Sivertson, Tim Kennedy
City Employees: Mike Roth, Dave Tersteeg, Kim Dunsmoor
DNR Attendees: Larry Killian (Harbors Program) and Tom Peterson (Operations & Maintenance Program)
Abbreviated Meeting Notes:
Sue Hakes welcomed the DNR and self-introductions were made. Hakes then made a few brief remarks about the hard work that has been done in Grand Marais to come to the general agreement for the Safe Harbor Marina project outlined in Resolution 2007-05 which passed under Mayor Larsen. Hakes acknowledged that much Public Input has been given and has been heard and it is now the responsibility of this City Council to take action in moving that resolution forward.
Larry Killian gave an overview of the following:
- North Shore Harbors Program
- Community Project Development Process
- Other Projects in Process (Two Harbors)
Killian also gave a Funding Overview and potential partnerships:
- The Army Corp of Engineers (Federal) requires a 50/50 cost-share for Boating & Safety projects. A project for our Safe Harbor & Marina could fall under the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). The City hopes to work with Congressman Oberstar for inclusion in that bill.
- The MN Department of Natural Resources (State) has a wealth of experience in working with the Army Corp on Harbor and Marina projects. The DNR brings design and development expertise--typically funded through the State Bonding Bill--and can be the 50% cost-share for projects with the Army Corp.
- A partnership for the design, development and construction of a Harbor & Marina in Grand Marais could be structured with the City of Grand Marais, DNR & Army Corp of Engineers.
- New Marina Operation and Management could be done by the City of Grand Marais, the DNR, or a 3rd Party.
Sue Hakes gave an overview of Resolution 2007-05 noting specifically that it must be located in the NW corner of the harbor with a basin size of about 6 acres. Hakes also noted that community support has been demonstrated by the joint letter presented to the City Council on March 7, 2008 from the Grand Marais Business Council and the Harbor Friends which supports Resolution 2007-05.
At this point, a discussion was held on several issues, with (3) being the most significant at this time:
Private Property Owners
The rights of private property owners within a Safe Harbor must be considered with respect to liability. Also, any advantage created for private property owners by development of a Harbor or Marina must be addressed. These private property issues must be resolved prior to any funding.
Land Control
The State must have control of the land within a Safe Harbor. This does not necessarily mean State ownership. Options for control include ownership, lease, or easement. The City of Grand Marais has an example of how a lease arrangement can work successfully in their lease agreement with North House Folk School.
DNR Harbor Criteria
The DNR has guidelines for state harbors and marinas. Further discussion and understanding is required to determine how both the DNR and City of Grand Marais criteria may be met through this project.
Also discussed..
Dave Tersteeg (City Park Manager) has been working for over a year with the Tom Peterson to improve the existing ramp in the SW Corner of the Harbor. New docks have been ordered for installation this summer. Further improvement to this ramp is under consideration.
1. Larry Killian will meet with DNR Acquisition & Development Management in St. Paul (Stan Linnell and Kent Skaar) to determine private property owner rights issues and DNR requirements.
2. Sue Hakes and Jan Sivertson will create a short informational pamphlet regarding the Safe Harbor and Marina project in Grand Marais. This pamphlet will be used on a temporary basis to begin raising awareness with our State Legislators Tom Bakk and David Dill, and possibly Congressman Oberstar, Senator Klobuchar. This pamphlet will be used until a more technical proposal with some design concepts and costs can be developed.
This meeting was a good first step toward meeting our mutual goals.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Council Meeting Notes
The full Council attended today's regularly scheduled City Council Meeting.
Open Forum
John McClure spoke at the Open Forum expressing concerns about the City's Ordinance 2004-01 regarding attendance at City Board Meetings (i.e., Planning Commission, Park Board, etc.). He asked specifically about the date in which a board position becomes abandoned due to absenteeism and how that might impact previous recommendations made by that Board.
John McClure also suggested the City Council examine its contract with Law Enforcement as a possible cost savings for the City.
Agenda Items
A permit approving use of street and sidewalks was approved for the Violence Prevention Center's "Take Back the Night" March to be held as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Scheduled for 7:30 - 9:00 PM on April, 2, the March will begin at Harbor Park and end at the Courthouse.
Harley and Shele Toftey requested a variance from the shoreline setback of Lake Superior to construct a new fish processing facility. The new facility will be 20' from the shoreline, replacing an older building that was just 10' from the shoreline. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request at their last meeting. The City Council voted unanimously to approve the variance.
City Staff prepared and presented a 2008 attendance report for all City appointed board members still in their positions. Overall, board attendance is good. The Council discussed Ordinance 2004-01 and the need to clarify when a board position is officially abandoned. Don Davison will research this issue and advise the Council.
Craig Schulte and Jim Shinners were both unanimously appointed to the Planning Commission; these appointments fill the last (2) vacancies on this Board. Other members of the Planning Commission are Tim Kennedy, Sherri Carlson, and Carol Backlund.
Council unanimously approved hiring Bob Mattson on a part-time basis in the Property Maintenance Department. The City was fortunate to receive (7) qualified applicants for this position; Bob was awarded the job due to his extensive experience in the Property Maintenance Department.
Council discussed the proposed Worksession Agenda for Tuesday's meeting with the DNR on the Safe Harbor & Marina. This worksession is scheduled for March 17 from 9:00 AM to Noon in Council Chambers. The public is invited.
Councilor Lenz expressed concern about City and County support for a new animal shelter, particularly in light of pending budget cuts. Lenz will continue to work on establishing a cost estimate for this facility. And, although this project wasn't identified as a top City priority, it will remain on the list of possible joint City and County projects.
Councilors Bill Lenz and Jan Sivertson were appointed to the City/County Work Group to formalize the City/County agreement to partner in supporting the Pool.
Mark Your Calendars
Mar 17 9:00 AM Safe Harbor/Marina Meeting w/DNR
Mar 25 3:30 PM City Council Worksession--EDA Priorities
Mar 25 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Apr 8 3:30 PM City Council Worksession--Budget
Apr 8 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Apr 8 5:00 PM Annexation Hearing
Apr 29 4:30 City Council Meeting
Reminder--the Park Board is in the midst of their Master Planning Process. To learn more about this important work and how to participate go to:
Open Forum
John McClure spoke at the Open Forum expressing concerns about the City's Ordinance 2004-01 regarding attendance at City Board Meetings (i.e., Planning Commission, Park Board, etc.). He asked specifically about the date in which a board position becomes abandoned due to absenteeism and how that might impact previous recommendations made by that Board.
John McClure also suggested the City Council examine its contract with Law Enforcement as a possible cost savings for the City.
Agenda Items
A permit approving use of street and sidewalks was approved for the Violence Prevention Center's "Take Back the Night" March to be held as part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Scheduled for 7:30 - 9:00 PM on April, 2, the March will begin at Harbor Park and end at the Courthouse.
Harley and Shele Toftey requested a variance from the shoreline setback of Lake Superior to construct a new fish processing facility. The new facility will be 20' from the shoreline, replacing an older building that was just 10' from the shoreline. The Planning Commission recommended approval of this request at their last meeting. The City Council voted unanimously to approve the variance.
City Staff prepared and presented a 2008 attendance report for all City appointed board members still in their positions. Overall, board attendance is good. The Council discussed Ordinance 2004-01 and the need to clarify when a board position is officially abandoned. Don Davison will research this issue and advise the Council.
Craig Schulte and Jim Shinners were both unanimously appointed to the Planning Commission; these appointments fill the last (2) vacancies on this Board. Other members of the Planning Commission are Tim Kennedy, Sherri Carlson, and Carol Backlund.
Council unanimously approved hiring Bob Mattson on a part-time basis in the Property Maintenance Department. The City was fortunate to receive (7) qualified applicants for this position; Bob was awarded the job due to his extensive experience in the Property Maintenance Department.
Council discussed the proposed Worksession Agenda for Tuesday's meeting with the DNR on the Safe Harbor & Marina. This worksession is scheduled for March 17 from 9:00 AM to Noon in Council Chambers. The public is invited.
Councilor Lenz expressed concern about City and County support for a new animal shelter, particularly in light of pending budget cuts. Lenz will continue to work on establishing a cost estimate for this facility. And, although this project wasn't identified as a top City priority, it will remain on the list of possible joint City and County projects.
Councilors Bill Lenz and Jan Sivertson were appointed to the City/County Work Group to formalize the City/County agreement to partner in supporting the Pool.
Mark Your Calendars
Mar 17 9:00 AM Safe Harbor/Marina Meeting w/DNR
Mar 25 3:30 PM City Council Worksession--EDA Priorities
Mar 25 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Apr 8 3:30 PM City Council Worksession--Budget
Apr 8 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Apr 8 5:00 PM Annexation Hearing
Apr 29 4:30 City Council Meeting
Reminder--the Park Board is in the midst of their Master Planning Process. To learn more about this important work and how to participate go to:
Park Board,
Planning Commission,
Rec Park,
Rec Park Visioning,
Safe Harbor/Marina
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Small Craft Harbor & Marina Workshop
Meeting Notice
The Grand Marais City Council has invited the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to a Planning Worksession for a Small Craft Harbor and Marina in Grand Marais. This meeting will be held on Tuesday March 17 from 9:00 AM to Noon in the City Council Chambers. The Public is welcome.
A Brief Recap of Recent History
In 2003, the City of Grand Marais initiated a planning process for a Safe Harbor and Marina development in the Grand Marais Harbor. A Harbor Advisory Committee was appointed to conduct a public planning effort. The Harbor Advisory Committee labored for nearly two years, and ultimately reached consensus on a location. All members of this Committee were willing to accept the existing marina location in the northwest corner of the harbor as the location for the improved and expanded Safe Harbor and Marina.
In April 2007, under Mayor Evelyn Larsen, the City Council adopted Resolution 2007-05. In that resolution, the City agreed to continue participation with the DNR and US Army Corp of Engineers in planning and design of a Safe Harbor and Marina. The City Council, under Mayor Larsen, set forth certain parameters including a location in the northwest corner of the harbor (existing marina location) and a new basin size of about 6-acres.
In March 2008, the Harbor Friends and the Grand Marais Business Council came together before the City Council to lend their joint support for Resolution 2007-05. In a letter to the City Council, they encouraged the City to move forward with an improved marina and basin development in the existing marina location and proposed the remedial action of shifting the existing breakwall to the south as a design starting point.
In March 2009, Mayor Sue Hakes and the current City Council agreed to support Resolution 2007-05 (passed under Mayor Larsen) and identified it as one of their top priorities.
Meeting Goals & Objectives
In response to an email from Mayor Sue Hakes regarding the Stimulus Bill, Congressman Jim Oberstar suggested the City of Grand Marais direct any efforts for a Safe Harbor & Marina project toward the Army Corp of Engineers. Mr. Oberstar requested that we forward a project description and cost estimate directly to him (Oberstar) to forward on to the Detroit Office of the Corp for review and evaluation. A plan for responding to Mr. Oberstar is the proposed goal for the March 17 meeting.
Community Coming Together
Public input has been given and has been heard. This community has worked hard to come to a general agreement on a location and size for a Safe Harbor and Marina in Grand Marais.
I will continue to support Resolution 2007-05 (as passed under Mayor Larsen) for planning and designing a Safe Harbor and Marina in the northwest corner of the harbor and with a new basin size of about 6 acres.---Sue Hakes
The Grand Marais City Council has invited the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to a Planning Worksession for a Small Craft Harbor and Marina in Grand Marais. This meeting will be held on Tuesday March 17 from 9:00 AM to Noon in the City Council Chambers. The Public is welcome.
A Brief Recap of Recent History
In 2003, the City of Grand Marais initiated a planning process for a Safe Harbor and Marina development in the Grand Marais Harbor. A Harbor Advisory Committee was appointed to conduct a public planning effort. The Harbor Advisory Committee labored for nearly two years, and ultimately reached consensus on a location. All members of this Committee were willing to accept the existing marina location in the northwest corner of the harbor as the location for the improved and expanded Safe Harbor and Marina.
In April 2007, under Mayor Evelyn Larsen, the City Council adopted Resolution 2007-05. In that resolution, the City agreed to continue participation with the DNR and US Army Corp of Engineers in planning and design of a Safe Harbor and Marina. The City Council, under Mayor Larsen, set forth certain parameters including a location in the northwest corner of the harbor (existing marina location) and a new basin size of about 6-acres.
In March 2008, the Harbor Friends and the Grand Marais Business Council came together before the City Council to lend their joint support for Resolution 2007-05. In a letter to the City Council, they encouraged the City to move forward with an improved marina and basin development in the existing marina location and proposed the remedial action of shifting the existing breakwall to the south as a design starting point.
In March 2009, Mayor Sue Hakes and the current City Council agreed to support Resolution 2007-05 (passed under Mayor Larsen) and identified it as one of their top priorities.
Meeting Goals & Objectives
In response to an email from Mayor Sue Hakes regarding the Stimulus Bill, Congressman Jim Oberstar suggested the City of Grand Marais direct any efforts for a Safe Harbor & Marina project toward the Army Corp of Engineers. Mr. Oberstar requested that we forward a project description and cost estimate directly to him (Oberstar) to forward on to the Detroit Office of the Corp for review and evaluation. A plan for responding to Mr. Oberstar is the proposed goal for the March 17 meeting.
Community Coming Together
Public input has been given and has been heard. This community has worked hard to come to a general agreement on a location and size for a Safe Harbor and Marina in Grand Marais.
I will continue to support Resolution 2007-05 (as passed under Mayor Larsen) for planning and designing a Safe Harbor and Marina in the northwest corner of the harbor and with a new basin size of about 6 acres.---Sue Hakes
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Liquor Store and the Library
The Liquor Store
Earlier in the week, Pat Hennessy, Liquor Store Manager, showed me around the Grand Marais Liquor Store, an extremely important City Asset. The Liquor Store shares the City Hall Municipal Building with City Offices, the Tourist Information Center and the EDA. The building is certainly large enough for each of these entities, but because the building is a former jail and former fire hall, much of the space just doesn't work. The Liquor Store could use more storage and work space. In addition, the Municipal Building has serious maintenance issues including electrical & HVAC systems, roof and plumbing. Solutions to the immediate storage needs for the Liquor Store are being explored.
The Library
This morning, Librarian Linda Chappell gave me the full tour of the Library. Like the Liquor Store, the Library is squeezed into its space. Every nook and cranny has a purpose and something in it. The Library's role to provide free access to information in a variety of formats is ever changing as technology evolves. Our Library is in good condition; we need to maintain it to keep it in good repair. It's also in a wonderful central location that makes a statement about what we value in this Community.
Earlier in the week, Pat Hennessy, Liquor Store Manager, showed me around the Grand Marais Liquor Store, an extremely important City Asset. The Liquor Store shares the City Hall Municipal Building with City Offices, the Tourist Information Center and the EDA. The building is certainly large enough for each of these entities, but because the building is a former jail and former fire hall, much of the space just doesn't work. The Liquor Store could use more storage and work space. In addition, the Municipal Building has serious maintenance issues including electrical & HVAC systems, roof and plumbing. Solutions to the immediate storage needs for the Liquor Store are being explored.
The Library
This morning, Librarian Linda Chappell gave me the full tour of the Library. Like the Liquor Store, the Library is squeezed into its space. Every nook and cranny has a purpose and something in it. The Library's role to provide free access to information in a variety of formats is ever changing as technology evolves. Our Library is in good condition; we need to maintain it to keep it in good repair. It's also in a wonderful central location that makes a statement about what we value in this Community.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
More Getting Up to Speed
PUC Garage and Power Plant
I asked Mike Taylor, Public Utilities Electric Department Head, for the nickel tour of the PUC Garage this afternoon. He graciously took the time to show me around the PUC Garage & Grounds (Rec Park), Power Plant & Substation (west edge of town) and the east end of PUC electric service at Croftville. Seeing these facilities and some of our infrastructure first hand was extremely useful in growing my understanding of the services our PUC Electric Department provides and challenges they face. In addition to Taylor, Matt Bronikowski and Jeff Eliasen work full time in this Department.
Rec Park
Last week, Dave Tersteeg, Rec Park Manager, gave me a tour of the Rec Park Office and Operations. We also had the opportunity to discuss the current layout of the Park, amenities & services offered, infrastructure concerns and the Master Plan effort currently underway. Clearly, the Rec Park and its future is of significant importance to many. In addition to Dave, the Park Office is staffed by Amber Clay and Sam Williams.
To learn more about the Rec Park Master Plan Planning Process go to:
Public input is encouraged and welcome. Check Rec Park website for meeting dates.
I asked Mike Taylor, Public Utilities Electric Department Head, for the nickel tour of the PUC Garage this afternoon. He graciously took the time to show me around the PUC Garage & Grounds (Rec Park), Power Plant & Substation (west edge of town) and the east end of PUC electric service at Croftville. Seeing these facilities and some of our infrastructure first hand was extremely useful in growing my understanding of the services our PUC Electric Department provides and challenges they face. In addition to Taylor, Matt Bronikowski and Jeff Eliasen work full time in this Department.
Rec Park
Last week, Dave Tersteeg, Rec Park Manager, gave me a tour of the Rec Park Office and Operations. We also had the opportunity to discuss the current layout of the Park, amenities & services offered, infrastructure concerns and the Master Plan effort currently underway. Clearly, the Rec Park and its future is of significant importance to many. In addition to Dave, the Park Office is staffed by Amber Clay and Sam Williams.
To learn more about the Rec Park Master Plan Planning Process go to:
Public input is encouraged and welcome. Check Rec Park website for meeting dates.
City/County Worksession on the Pool
The City Council and the County Commission met at the Courthouse today to discuss the existing swimming pool and how we might work together to support the Pool as it exists now and into the future. Both the City Council and the County Commission re-affirmed that the Pool is an important community asset for a multitude of reasons.
Good News
At this morning's meeting, the Council and Commission made the decision to partner in financing the operation and maintenance of the Pool. The Pool currently operates at a loss. Users of the Pool are roughly made up of 33% City Residents 33% County Residents and 33% Visitors. A committee of (4) with (2) representatives from both the Council and Commission will work together to formalize this partnership.
Today's action is a major step toward the accomplishment of one of the City Priorities established in this week's Priority Planning Session. Participants in this meeting agreed that this is just one of many areas the City and County can combine resources to benefit the Public.
Good News
At this morning's meeting, the Council and Commission made the decision to partner in financing the operation and maintenance of the Pool. The Pool currently operates at a loss. Users of the Pool are roughly made up of 33% City Residents 33% County Residents and 33% Visitors. A committee of (4) with (2) representatives from both the Council and Commission will work together to formalize this partnership.
Today's action is a major step toward the accomplishment of one of the City Priorities established in this week's Priority Planning Session. Participants in this meeting agreed that this is just one of many areas the City and County can combine resources to benefit the Public.
Monday, March 2, 2009
City Priorities Workshop
Today was time very well spent. The City Council and Department Heads worked all day to figure out where to best spend our time and resources for the next two years. City Administrator Mike Roth, assisted by Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor, facilitated the meeting.
State of the City
A clear understanding of the current condition of City Assets and each Department was critical to the process of setting priorities for the City of Grand Marais. Department reviews were given by each Department Head, as well as the Economic Development Authority (EDA).
Library--Linda Chappell
EDA--Matt Geretschlaeger
Liquor Store--Pat Hennessy
PUC Electrical Department--Mike Taylor
Recreation Area--Dave Tersteeg
Property Maintenance--Tom Stockman
PUC Water & Sewer Department--Tom Nelson
These overviews were extremely useful in understanding the condition of assets, human resources, challenges, budget needs, goals and current/future projects for each Department.
The Process
Narrowing the City's Priority list to 4-6 was difficult as anticipated. We began by generating a list of all potential priorities, big and small. From that rather comprehensive list we bundled similar ideas together to create a list of 18. Paring this list down to a manageable size was quite challenging. The Council and each Department Head was asked to vote for and defend their Top Priorities. The resulting list, which was approved by the City Council, is as follows:
Priority List for 2009-2010
It was agreed at the beginning of this worksession that the Priority List would be a living document; we expect the list to evolve and change as we move forward. Here is the list, and with the exception of passing the 1% Sales Tax, there is no firm order of importance.
1% Sales Tax
Support is strong for working to pass this tax to be used toward Recreational Infrastructure in Cook County. This was a clear priority.
Swimming Pool
The City and County need an agreement regarding the Pool. Location and sharing Operation & Maintenance costs need to be figured out. The 1% Sales Tax is a possible funding source for the Pool as part of a broader Community Center/Recreation Area. (The City and County are meeting to discuss the Pool on Wednesday March 4 at 8 AM at the Courthouse.)
Maintenance Facility
The existing PUC Garage is inadequate and needs to be replaced. And, it does not belong in the Rec Park. The City is exploring the possibility of a joint facility with the County (and other agencies), funding options, and location.
Safe Harbor/Marina
Resolution No. 2007-05 for the Safe Harbor Marina Project was passed during Mayor Larsen's administration. It will be the basis for providing the requested project description and cost estimate to Congressman James Oberstar for submission to the Detroit Office of the Army Corp of Engineers for review and evaluation. (The Council and DNR are meeting Tuesday March 17 from 9 AM to Noon at City Hall.)
Municipal Building
The current City Hall Building--which is also home to the Liquor Store and the Tourism Information Center--is in really tough shape with respect to electrical and HVAC systems, roof, plumbing, storage, etc. A Muncipal Building Task Force will be appointed to look at this issue and make a recommendation to the Council.
Capital Improvements
We need a plan to improve/replace City Buildings and City Infrastructure (water, sewer, electric). The plan needs to set priorities and identify funding sources. The SEH Grant writer will be tasked with finding funds.
Rec Park Master Plan
A planning process is currently underway with the goal being development of a Master Plan for the Rec Park that will be adopted by the Council. Public input to the process and an implementation strategy are critical for success.
Core Values
Identification of our core values was not the goal of the day. However, as we worked through the issues, certain values appeared and re-appeared. Here's a start on what we believe to be our core values.
1. We must always do our best to communicate with the Public.
2. We must be responsible with public funds and manage the Budget.
3. We need to be environmentally responsible.
State of the City
A clear understanding of the current condition of City Assets and each Department was critical to the process of setting priorities for the City of Grand Marais. Department reviews were given by each Department Head, as well as the Economic Development Authority (EDA).
Library--Linda Chappell
EDA--Matt Geretschlaeger
Liquor Store--Pat Hennessy
PUC Electrical Department--Mike Taylor
Recreation Area--Dave Tersteeg
Property Maintenance--Tom Stockman
PUC Water & Sewer Department--Tom Nelson
These overviews were extremely useful in understanding the condition of assets, human resources, challenges, budget needs, goals and current/future projects for each Department.
The Process
Narrowing the City's Priority list to 4-6 was difficult as anticipated. We began by generating a list of all potential priorities, big and small. From that rather comprehensive list we bundled similar ideas together to create a list of 18. Paring this list down to a manageable size was quite challenging. The Council and each Department Head was asked to vote for and defend their Top Priorities. The resulting list, which was approved by the City Council, is as follows:
Priority List for 2009-2010
It was agreed at the beginning of this worksession that the Priority List would be a living document; we expect the list to evolve and change as we move forward. Here is the list, and with the exception of passing the 1% Sales Tax, there is no firm order of importance.
1% Sales Tax
Support is strong for working to pass this tax to be used toward Recreational Infrastructure in Cook County. This was a clear priority.
Swimming Pool
The City and County need an agreement regarding the Pool. Location and sharing Operation & Maintenance costs need to be figured out. The 1% Sales Tax is a possible funding source for the Pool as part of a broader Community Center/Recreation Area. (The City and County are meeting to discuss the Pool on Wednesday March 4 at 8 AM at the Courthouse.)
Maintenance Facility
The existing PUC Garage is inadequate and needs to be replaced. And, it does not belong in the Rec Park. The City is exploring the possibility of a joint facility with the County (and other agencies), funding options, and location.
Safe Harbor/Marina
Resolution No. 2007-05 for the Safe Harbor Marina Project was passed during Mayor Larsen's administration. It will be the basis for providing the requested project description and cost estimate to Congressman James Oberstar for submission to the Detroit Office of the Army Corp of Engineers for review and evaluation. (The Council and DNR are meeting Tuesday March 17 from 9 AM to Noon at City Hall.)
Municipal Building
The current City Hall Building--which is also home to the Liquor Store and the Tourism Information Center--is in really tough shape with respect to electrical and HVAC systems, roof, plumbing, storage, etc. A Muncipal Building Task Force will be appointed to look at this issue and make a recommendation to the Council.
Capital Improvements
We need a plan to improve/replace City Buildings and City Infrastructure (water, sewer, electric). The plan needs to set priorities and identify funding sources. The SEH Grant writer will be tasked with finding funds.
Rec Park Master Plan
A planning process is currently underway with the goal being development of a Master Plan for the Rec Park that will be adopted by the Council. Public input to the process and an implementation strategy are critical for success.
Core Values
Identification of our core values was not the goal of the day. However, as we worked through the issues, certain values appeared and re-appeared. Here's a start on what we believe to be our core values.
1. We must always do our best to communicate with the Public.
2. We must be responsible with public funds and manage the Budget.
3. We need to be environmentally responsible.
1% Sales Tax,
2009 Priorities,
Library Board,
Rec Park,
Rec Park Visioning,
Safe Harbor/Marina
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