Wednesday, April 14, 2010

City Council Meeting

After a quick tour of City Hall, Mayor Hakes was pleased to introduce her father, Herb Hakes, to the City Council, City Staff and members of the Public in attendance.

Mayor Hakes then called the regularly scheduled Council Meeting to order. In attendance were Hakes, Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson, City Administrator Mike Roth, Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor and City Attorney Chris Hood (via telephone).

Open Forum
No members of the Public opted to speak at the Open Forum.

Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved with minor corrections.

Girl Scout Tree Planting Request
Council unanimously approved the request from the Girl Scouts of Cook County to plant a tree for the Detrick and Palmer families in memory of Dean Detrick. The Girl Scouts were represented by Arvis Thompson, Girl Scouts Northern Light Services Unit Chairperson. The tree will be planted in front of the Detrick Building.

Street Permits
Council unanimously approved Street Permits for both the Art Festival (July 10-11) and the Dragon Boat Festival (July 29 - August 1). Art Colony Director Amy Demmer made the request on behalf of the Art Colony for the Art Festival.

In an effort to better support Special Events being held in our City Parks, festivals and events will now be required to get a permit from the Park Board to use City Park property or resources. The City Council will continue to approve street use requests.

Cook County Soil & Water Stormwater Design Presentation
Tristan Beaster, Cook County Soil and Water, gave a very informational presentation on storm water design. Beaster overviewed the Planning and Design project that will be conducted during 2010 as part of a $36,000 Lake Superior Coastal Program Grant. Goals of the project are to direct storm water runoff, improve water quality and enhance streetscape landscaping.

North House Folk School (NHFS) Update
Greg Wright, Director of North House Folk School, made his Annual Report on NHFS to the Council. Wright was pleased to report that after a difficult financial year in 2009, enrollment for 2010 is up significantly over the past 2 years. Wright credits this early promise of a successful 2010 to improved marketing and dedicated staff.

Wright updated the Council on plans for building the new Blacksmith Shed. NHFS will be providing Council with a site plan and applying for a Building Permit requiring Council approval. Council required that NHFS continue to coordinate with the Park Board on their shared border, particularly regarding storm water runoff and pedestrian walkways.

Council unanimously approved formal request for extending the deadline for completion of the "North House Harbor-Side Commons Revitalization" project from Minnesota's Lake Superior Coastal Program Project Grant #306A-01-11. The City will request the new deadline for completion of the project to be May 31, 2012. Wright is very comfortable that this deadline will be achieved.

Council & Staff Reports
Jan Sivertson reported that in a highly unusual move, the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) reinstated Cook County in the joint Lake/Cook County Small Cities Development Program grant for housing rehabilitation funds. The Council expressed their sincere gratitude to both Reed Erickson (State Program Administrative Director for DEED) and Nancy Grabko (EDA Housing Coordinator). This restored funding will enable Cook County to fund 10 home rehabilitation projects in the next 15 months.
Bill Lenz reported that the Park Board approved the Community Garden project and their Capital Improvement Plan. Priority Capital Improvement Projects include 1) paving the road running west from 8th Avenue West, 2) upgrading 10-20 sites to full hook-up, 3) improving the community's connection to the Park, 4) installing the solar hot water heater in the bath house funded by a grant, 5) Safe Harbor planning, 6) new Park Office. The Park officially opens May 1.
Kay Costell0 reported that the Library Board and Library Staff are working to solicit interested architects for the Library's proposed expansion project.

Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday 4/28 at 3:30 pm, Budget Worksession at City Hall
Wednesday 4/28 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, 5/12 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, 5/26 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Thursday, 5/27 at 4:00 pm Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council Meeting at location TBD