The Mayor and all members of the City Council were present for today's City Council Meeting. Also present were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor, Dave Tersteeg and City Attorney Chris Hood.
Open Forum
Mark Sandbo, representing Grand Marais Hotel Company, informed the Council that in response to the letter received from the City Council, a new Shoreline sign would be in place within a month.
Consent Agenda
Council approved the Consent Agenda with no changes.
Christmas Parade Permit
Council approved the Christmas Parade Permit requested by the Chamber of Commerce. Bev Wolke infromed the Council that the Parade will start at 6 PM on Tuesday, November 24, downtown Grand Marais.
Lion's Club Request for Public Restrooms
Ken Walenski and Max Bichel of the Grand Marais Lion's Club expressed concern for the lack of enough public restrooms in downtown Grand Marais. Their request was supported by several business owners in the audience. Walenski and Bichel explained that the Lion's Club is a service organization with the motto "We Serve". In the spirit of community service, the Lion's Club has offered to take this project on as a Community Service Project. The Lion's Club has asked the Council to endorse the Lion's willingness to form a committee to work toward solving the problem of identifying an appropriate location and funding sources for public restrooms. Council acknowledged and agreed there is a need and fully supported the Lion's request. Council will add Public Restrooms to their Capital Improvement Planning.
Harbor Park/Downtown Holiday Decorating
Diane Brostrom, Director Grand Marais Area Tourism and Committee Member for "A North Shore Holiday" requested assistance from the City to decorate Harbor Park and the Downtown Area for the Holiday Season. Brostrom's request was supported by several business owners in the audience. Time is of the essence as the holiday season will be kicked off in just a few short weeks. After some discussion, including members of the Business Community, Council agreed to provide a match up to $5000 to purchase lighting and holiday decorations that might be used for several years. Council also agreed to provide labor for hanging lights & banners, putting up a tree, etc.
Led by the Cook County Events and Visitors Bureau, local retailers and marketers throughout the County are taking full advantage of a one-time $15,000 grant from Explore Minnesota Tourism to promote shopping and activities on the North Shore this holiday season. This promotion includes a direct mailing of 10,000 pieces.
The investment in decorating Grand Marais's Harbor Park/downtown area, combined with this significant CCEVB marketing effort are part of a unified effort to make Cook County and Grand Marais a holiday shopping and vacation destination.
PAC-13 broadcasting equipment has been relocated to City Hall, allowing City Staff to update and broadcast PAC 13. Council decided to video tape Council Meetings in the simplest manner and at the lowest cost. A process for broadcasting Public Service Announcements is being determined.
Cairn Sign Maintenance Agreement
Modifications to the Cairn Sign Maintenance Agreement were recommended by City Attorney Chris Hood and accepted by Council.
Other Items
Mike Roth reported that the City's brush pile is being burned. Complaints of smoke in the school and in the hospital have been reported. Wind conditions, combined with the amount of green brush from the last storm, have caused more smoke than is typical. Council discussed options, but there is no clear solution to this problem.
Council & Staff Reports
Mike Roth reported on the October 27 meeting with Senator Tom Bakk to request funding assistance for the repayment of the Business Park Infrastructure debt. Meeting attendees included Roth, Matt Geretschlaeger (EDA Director), Hal Greenwood, Dick Grabko (SEH), and Mike Larson (IRRB). Specifically, the EDA asked if a previously awarded grant for Housing Development ($135,000) might be transferred to pay for Business Development Infrastructure. The Housing Development project is not proceeding as planned. A loan with favorable terms was also requested. Roth reported that Senator Bakk would take our requests under consideration at the IRRB.
Tim Kennedy reported that the Biomass District Heating Project Group is still meeting. No word regarding the Federal Grant submitted with the City of Ely has been heard.
Jan Sivertson reported that 1 proposal was received in response to the EDA's Request for Proposals for Real Estate Brokers to list, sell and market lots in the Business Park. The proposal received was from Gunflint Realty. City Attorney Chris Hood will review to be sure there is no conflict of interest.
Sue Hakes gave notice that the Northeastern Entrepreneur Fund's Women's Business Luncheon will be held at City Hall on November 18. Hakes will be speaking on the topic "Know Your City Government".
Mark Your Calendars
Mon November 9 at 3:30 PM Worksession--Budget (Liquor Store & Golf Course)
Mon November 9 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wed November 18 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wed November 18 at 5:00 PM Noise Ordinance Public Hearing
Thur November 19 at 4:00 PM Joint C/C/S/T at Courthouse
Wed December 9 at 3:30 PM Worksession-Budget
Wed December 9 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wed December 30 at 4:30 PM City Countil Meeting
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
How to Register to Vote
It's not too late to register to vote in the November 3, 2009 Special Election. Click here for the instructions straight from the Cook County Auditor's Office.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Special Election on November 3
Go to the Cook County Website to see a Sample Ballot and get information about how to register and vote in the November 3, 2009 Special Election.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Bonding Worksession and City Council Meeting
Sue Hakes and all City Councilors were present for today's Worksession and City Council Meeting. Also in attendance were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Carolyn Drude, Senior Financial Advisor/Executive VP of Ehlers & Associates.
Worksession to Re-finance EDA Infrastructure Debt
Just about 3 years ago (January 2007) the City of Grand Marais issued $1,630,000 General Obligation (G.O.) Temporary Improvements Bonds to provide financing for the Sewer, Water & Street infrastructure improvements in the EDA Business Park. The plan at that time was for the EDA to sell lots in the Business Park and repay the City $60,000 for each lot sold until the debt was repaid. Lot sales have not occurred as planned and the EDA is unable to repay this debt. This 3-year G.O. Temporary Improvement Bond is now due in January 2010 and the City is responsible for this payment.
The City Council once again met with Ehlers & Associates to discuss options for refinancing this Temporary Bond including the sale of 10, 15 or 20-year G.O. Improvement Bonds . Carolyn Drude of Ehers & Associates also offered for consideration a 20-year Build America Bond which the Council is considering. In general, Build America Bonds bear a higher interest rate, but the Federal government will pay 35% of the interest payment through an annual rebate reducing the cost to the City. Council requested time to consider more fully the Build America Bond and will meet again at 12:00 Noon on Friday to decide.
City Council Meeting
Open Forum
Nobody from the Public opted to address the Council at the Open Forum.
Variance Request
Council unanimously approved the request from Alyssa and Jonathan Hedstrom for a variance from the setback from residentially zoned property to construct an addition to the South and West side of their commercial building located in the H61 District.
EDA Business Park Discussion
Even though Council is working to refinance the $1.63M debt owed by the EDA on the Cedar Grove Business Park, they will continue to hold the EDA accountable for repayment. As agreed by the Council previously, Mayor Hakes wrote to the EDA on behalf of the City asking them to explore all options for this debt repayment. The City has also asked for a comprehensive marketing plan to sell lots in the Business Park. Jan Sivertson reported that the EDA has published a Request for Proposals soliciting bids from licensed real estate brokers to list, sell and market 31 lots in the Business Development Park.
Cairn Signs Maintenance Agreement
The City has agreed to provide the maintenance for the Cairn signs at the entrance to the City of Grand Marais and the Gunflint Trail. Details are being worked out between the City and the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission.
Noise Ordinance Public Hearing
A Public Hearing was promised and has been scheduled to allow the Public to check in with the Council regarding the Noise Ordinance that was established in 2009. The Public is encouraged to attend this Public Hearing at 5:00 on Wednesday November 18.
Council & Staff Reports
Mike Roth asked for Council to approve replacement of the Liquor Store awning that blew down in the storm. Council approved the purchase.
Tim Kennedy reported that the PUC has agreed to extend their contract with SMMPA through 2050. A presentation will be provided to Council for review and support. Kennedy also raised the issue of the Shoreline sign and the danger it caused during the recent windstorm. Council agreed that the City should send correspondence to the owner asking that the sign be removed or restored to a safe condition.
Jan Sivertson gave an update of the on-going efforts to pass the One Percent Sales Tax. Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters in the County on Friday October 16. Jan also asked each member of the Council if they supported the One Percent Tax. Each member of the Council shared their support for this proposed tax without hesitation. Sivertson also raised the need for more public restrooms downtown. And, Sivertson shared the CCEVB plans to make Cook County a December holiday destination. Council agreed to explore ways to support this effort including the possibilities of providing a large holiday tree in Harbor Park, lights and electricity.
Bill Lenz reported on the revenues for the Park Department including an increase in Pool, Campground and Marina revenues and a decrease in Golf Course Revenues, mostly due to weather. Lenz also reported that the Park Board voted to de-ice the docks at the Marina by moving water around them as opposed to removing the docks in the Fall and putting them back in the Spring. De-icing is less expensive than taking the docks in and out.
Kay Costello reported that the Library has begun their strategic planning and has (2) full day sessions planned.
Sue Hakes reported that she has also heard requests from both the Lions Club and GMATA for more public restrooms downtown. Hakes has encouraged these groups to come before the Council with their requests; Mike Roth confirmed they have asked to be on the agenda for October 28. Hakes also shared that several community members have asked for Community Garden Space and Council discussed various possibilities including the Business Park.
Meeting was recessed and will resume at Noon on Friday October 16, 2009.
Mark Your Calendars
Please note that there are several changes to the usual meeting schedule:
FRI October 16 at Noon City Council will resume Council Meeting to discuss Bonding options
WED October 28 at 4:30 City Council Meeting
MON November 9 at 3:30 Council Worksession to discuss Liquor Store & Golf Course Budgets
MON November 9 at 4:30 City Council Meeting
WED November 18 at 4:30 City Council Meeting (will authorize Bond Sale)
WED November 18 at 5:00 Noise Ordinance Public Hearing
THUR November 19 4:00 Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council Meeting at Courthouse
Worksession to Re-finance EDA Infrastructure Debt
Just about 3 years ago (January 2007) the City of Grand Marais issued $1,630,000 General Obligation (G.O.) Temporary Improvements Bonds to provide financing for the Sewer, Water & Street infrastructure improvements in the EDA Business Park. The plan at that time was for the EDA to sell lots in the Business Park and repay the City $60,000 for each lot sold until the debt was repaid. Lot sales have not occurred as planned and the EDA is unable to repay this debt. This 3-year G.O. Temporary Improvement Bond is now due in January 2010 and the City is responsible for this payment.
The City Council once again met with Ehlers & Associates to discuss options for refinancing this Temporary Bond including the sale of 10, 15 or 20-year G.O. Improvement Bonds . Carolyn Drude of Ehers & Associates also offered for consideration a 20-year Build America Bond which the Council is considering. In general, Build America Bonds bear a higher interest rate, but the Federal government will pay 35% of the interest payment through an annual rebate reducing the cost to the City. Council requested time to consider more fully the Build America Bond and will meet again at 12:00 Noon on Friday to decide.
City Council Meeting
Open Forum
Nobody from the Public opted to address the Council at the Open Forum.
Variance Request
Council unanimously approved the request from Alyssa and Jonathan Hedstrom for a variance from the setback from residentially zoned property to construct an addition to the South and West side of their commercial building located in the H61 District.
EDA Business Park Discussion
Even though Council is working to refinance the $1.63M debt owed by the EDA on the Cedar Grove Business Park, they will continue to hold the EDA accountable for repayment. As agreed by the Council previously, Mayor Hakes wrote to the EDA on behalf of the City asking them to explore all options for this debt repayment. The City has also asked for a comprehensive marketing plan to sell lots in the Business Park. Jan Sivertson reported that the EDA has published a Request for Proposals soliciting bids from licensed real estate brokers to list, sell and market 31 lots in the Business Development Park.
Cairn Signs Maintenance Agreement
The City has agreed to provide the maintenance for the Cairn signs at the entrance to the City of Grand Marais and the Gunflint Trail. Details are being worked out between the City and the Arrowhead Regional Development Commission.
Noise Ordinance Public Hearing
A Public Hearing was promised and has been scheduled to allow the Public to check in with the Council regarding the Noise Ordinance that was established in 2009. The Public is encouraged to attend this Public Hearing at 5:00 on Wednesday November 18.
Council & Staff Reports
Mike Roth asked for Council to approve replacement of the Liquor Store awning that blew down in the storm. Council approved the purchase.
Tim Kennedy reported that the PUC has agreed to extend their contract with SMMPA through 2050. A presentation will be provided to Council for review and support. Kennedy also raised the issue of the Shoreline sign and the danger it caused during the recent windstorm. Council agreed that the City should send correspondence to the owner asking that the sign be removed or restored to a safe condition.
Jan Sivertson gave an update of the on-going efforts to pass the One Percent Sales Tax. Ballots will be mailed to all registered voters in the County on Friday October 16. Jan also asked each member of the Council if they supported the One Percent Tax. Each member of the Council shared their support for this proposed tax without hesitation. Sivertson also raised the need for more public restrooms downtown. And, Sivertson shared the CCEVB plans to make Cook County a December holiday destination. Council agreed to explore ways to support this effort including the possibilities of providing a large holiday tree in Harbor Park, lights and electricity.
Bill Lenz reported on the revenues for the Park Department including an increase in Pool, Campground and Marina revenues and a decrease in Golf Course Revenues, mostly due to weather. Lenz also reported that the Park Board voted to de-ice the docks at the Marina by moving water around them as opposed to removing the docks in the Fall and putting them back in the Spring. De-icing is less expensive than taking the docks in and out.
Kay Costello reported that the Library has begun their strategic planning and has (2) full day sessions planned.
Sue Hakes reported that she has also heard requests from both the Lions Club and GMATA for more public restrooms downtown. Hakes has encouraged these groups to come before the Council with their requests; Mike Roth confirmed they have asked to be on the agenda for October 28. Hakes also shared that several community members have asked for Community Garden Space and Council discussed various possibilities including the Business Park.
Meeting was recessed and will resume at Noon on Friday October 16, 2009.
Mark Your Calendars
Please note that there are several changes to the usual meeting schedule:
FRI October 16 at Noon City Council will resume Council Meeting to discuss Bonding options
WED October 28 at 4:30 City Council Meeting
MON November 9 at 3:30 Council Worksession to discuss Liquor Store & Golf Course Budgets
MON November 9 at 4:30 City Council Meeting
WED November 18 at 4:30 City Council Meeting (will authorize Bond Sale)
WED November 18 at 5:00 Noise Ordinance Public Hearing
THUR November 19 4:00 Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council Meeting at Courthouse
1% Sales Tax,
Liquor Store,
Noise Ordinance,
Park Board,
Planning Commission,
Rec Park
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Domestic violence touches the lives of Americans of all ages, leaving a devastating impact on women, men, and children of every background and circumstance. A family's home becomes a place of fear, hopelessness, and desperation when a woman is battered by her partner, a child witnesses the abuse of a loved one, or a senior is victimized by family members. Since the 1994 passage of the landmark Violence Against Women Act, championed by then Senator Joe Biden, our Nation has strengthened its response to this crime and increased services for victims. Still, far too many women and families in this country and around the world are affected by domestic violence. During National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we recommit ourselves to ending violence within our homes, our communities, and our country.
This evening in Grand Marais, about 2 dozen community members, friends and neighbors held a candlelight vigil at Java Moose to remember the women, children and men that died this year in Minnesota as a result of domestic violence. The group then walked to Harbor Park to light the Tree of Hope. This special tree is decorated with small purple lights and will be lit from dusk to dawn. The purpose of the tree is to raise awareness about the problem of domestic violence and to let everyone who is a survivor of violence know that they are not alone.
If you or someone you know needs help, call the Violence Prevention Center in Grand Marais at 387-1237 or go to:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
One Percent Local Sales Tax Opportunity!
Vote YES!
There is a lot of energy surrounding the Referendum to pass the One Percent (1%) Sales Tax in Cook County; there is also some confusion. Following is an attempt to clarify.
A Special Election is being held in Cook County for voters to decide whether or not to impose a sales tax of one percent (1%) on all taxable transactions within Cook County. Election Day is November 3, 2009. Beginning October 16, a ballot will be mailed to every registered voter in Cook County, including the City of Grand Marais. Your ballot must be received in the Cook County Auditor's Office by 8 PM on November 3, 2009, either by mail or hand delivery.
The money collected through this sales tax will be used to pay for all or a portion of the following projects and associated financing costs: (i) construction and improvement of a countywide high-speed communications infrastructure network; (ii) construction, improvements and additions to community centers and public recreations areas, including public parking areas, located in Grand Marais, Tofte, and Lutsen; (iii) construction of and improvements to the Grand Marais Public Library; and (iv) construction and improvement of a district energy plant for public facilities in Grand Marais.
For the past year or so, the Community has worked to identify specific projects for potential funding using this 1% Sales Tax. And, a One Percent Sales Tax Committee was formed. This Committee, based on Public input, identified (7) projects for possible funding:
Expanded Cook County Community Center
Cook County Community Center Outdoor Rec Area
Birch Grove Outdoor Rec Area
Public Library Addition
County-wide Broadband
District Energy Facility
Improvements to Superior National Golf Course
It is important to understand that the County Board has the discretion to decide which project(s) to fund in part, in full, or not at all. It is equally important to understand that it is up to each of us to advocate to the County Board (and within the Community) for the projects we believe in and want to see realized. We have the right and the responsibility to let our County Board know how we want this money spent.
Before us is the unique chance to collect $20 million to spend on projects that we could not otherwise afford in this small community. Before us is an opportunity to participate fully and directly in the political process that determines where to spend this money. It is important that we let our County Commissioners know what we want.
Bottom Line: Let's pass the Referendum to get the $20 million into the County. Then, let's work together with the County Board to spend it responsibly and on the projects we want.
The One Percent Sales Tax and how it will be spent is complex. If you have questions, take the time to find answers.
For further information:
WTIP is sponsoring a public forum at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts with the Cook County News Herald and Community Education from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Oct. 13. Childcare will be provided in the community gym for attendees of the forum by the Cooperation Station. Questions, concerns and comments on any issue related to the 1 percent sales tax will be taken from the public at the forum, which will also be broadcast live on WTIP at 90.7 FM in Grand Marais and 91.7 FM on the Gunflint Trail
Cook County Conversations
WTIP North Shore Community Radio, Boreal Access and the Cook County News Herald, in partnership with and the Blandin Foundation have launched Cook County Conversations, an on-line forum for sharing insights and perspective on issues that affect our community. This new forum is a safe, civil and informative platform for residents and visitors of Cook County to discuss issues that affect them.
Vote YES!
for the One Percent Local Sales Tax
There is a lot of energy surrounding the Referendum to pass the One Percent (1%) Sales Tax in Cook County; there is also some confusion. Following is an attempt to clarify.
A Special Election is being held in Cook County for voters to decide whether or not to impose a sales tax of one percent (1%) on all taxable transactions within Cook County. Election Day is November 3, 2009. Beginning October 16, a ballot will be mailed to every registered voter in Cook County, including the City of Grand Marais. Your ballot must be received in the Cook County Auditor's Office by 8 PM on November 3, 2009, either by mail or hand delivery.
The money collected through this sales tax will be used to pay for all or a portion of the following projects and associated financing costs: (i) construction and improvement of a countywide high-speed communications infrastructure network; (ii) construction, improvements and additions to community centers and public recreations areas, including public parking areas, located in Grand Marais, Tofte, and Lutsen; (iii) construction of and improvements to the Grand Marais Public Library; and (iv) construction and improvement of a district energy plant for public facilities in Grand Marais.
For the past year or so, the Community has worked to identify specific projects for potential funding using this 1% Sales Tax. And, a One Percent Sales Tax Committee was formed. This Committee, based on Public input, identified (7) projects for possible funding:
Expanded Cook County Community Center
Cook County Community Center Outdoor Rec Area
Birch Grove Outdoor Rec Area
Public Library Addition
County-wide Broadband
District Energy Facility
Improvements to Superior National Golf Course
It is important to understand that the County Board has the discretion to decide which project(s) to fund in part, in full, or not at all. It is equally important to understand that it is up to each of us to advocate to the County Board (and within the Community) for the projects we believe in and want to see realized. We have the right and the responsibility to let our County Board know how we want this money spent.
Before us is the unique chance to collect $20 million to spend on projects that we could not otherwise afford in this small community. Before us is an opportunity to participate fully and directly in the political process that determines where to spend this money. It is important that we let our County Commissioners know what we want.
Bottom Line: Let's pass the Referendum to get the $20 million into the County. Then, let's work together with the County Board to spend it responsibly and on the projects we want.
The One Percent Sales Tax and how it will be spent is complex. If you have questions, take the time to find answers.
For further information:
WTIP is sponsoring a public forum at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts with the Cook County News Herald and Community Education from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Oct. 13. Childcare will be provided in the community gym for attendees of the forum by the Cooperation Station. Questions, concerns and comments on any issue related to the 1 percent sales tax will be taken from the public at the forum, which will also be broadcast live on WTIP at 90.7 FM in Grand Marais and 91.7 FM on the Gunflint Trail
Cook County Conversations
WTIP North Shore Community Radio, Boreal Access and the Cook County News Herald, in partnership with and the Blandin Foundation have launched Cook County Conversations, an on-line forum for sharing insights and perspective on issues that affect our community. This new forum is a safe, civil and informative platform for residents and visitors of Cook County to discuss issues that affect them.
Vote YES!
for the One Percent Local Sales Tax
1% Sales Tax,
2009 Priorities,
Broad Band Committee,
Friday, October 2, 2009
PUC Power Restored
This just in from City Hall
Power has been restored to all areas served by the Grand Marais Public Utilities. If you do not have power, please contact the office at 387-1848. We thank all customers for their patience and understanding.
And a Note of Thanks
I'd like to echo the gratitude many PUC customers have expressed to the PUC Electrical Department employees that have worked so hard under difficult circumstances to restore electricity to all customers. Thank you for a job well done.
It's also important to note the teamwork between all City Departments to restore services and normalcy to Grand Marais. Phone calls were answered and information was provided, priorities were established, streets were cleared of fallen trees, street lamps, and dangerous debris. Clean water was made available to anybody who needed it. These are just some of the additional tasks accomplished during the storm event and aftermath.
Last, but not least, thanks to everybody who managed to make it work without power these past few days. Your patience and resourcefulness in these past few days was great.
Power has been restored to all areas served by the Grand Marais Public Utilities. If you do not have power, please contact the office at 387-1848. We thank all customers for their patience and understanding.
And a Note of Thanks
I'd like to echo the gratitude many PUC customers have expressed to the PUC Electrical Department employees that have worked so hard under difficult circumstances to restore electricity to all customers. Thank you for a job well done.
It's also important to note the teamwork between all City Departments to restore services and normalcy to Grand Marais. Phone calls were answered and information was provided, priorities were established, streets were cleared of fallen trees, street lamps, and dangerous debris. Clean water was made available to anybody who needed it. These are just some of the additional tasks accomplished during the storm event and aftermath.
Last, but not least, thanks to everybody who managed to make it work without power these past few days. Your patience and resourcefulness in these past few days was great.
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