Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Budget Worksession, City Council Meeting & Setting the Preliminary Tax Levy for 2010

The Mayor and all City Councilors, Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Chris Hood were present for both the Budget Worksession and City Council Meeting. Assistant Park Manager Amber Clay was also present for the Budget Worksession.

Budget Worksession

Amber Clay presented the revised Recreation Park Budget for 2010 to the City Council. The most significant change in this Budget was a reduction in the projected loss for the Pool. Projected 2010 Pool Expenses are $290,847. The projected Pool Revenues are $61,200 leaving a projected loss of $229,647 before the County's $75,000 contribution. Heating fuel and salaries make up most of the costs for running the Pool. Pool hours have reluctantly been reduced to help meet the budget. Great care was taken by Park Management and the Park Board to reduce hours when the pool is least used.

Council reviewed the 2010 Budget and City of Grand Marais spending history since 2005. Council also re-visited the projected revenues and expenses for each City Department to determine a general levy amount of $601,802.

City Council Meeting & Setting the Preliminary 2010 Tax Levy

Open Forum
Nobody from the public opted to speak at the Open Forum.

Consent Agenda
Two items were added to the agenda: Revolving Store Front Loan Application, Library Rain Garden Project. Meeting Minutes and Payment of Bills were approved.

Revolving Store Front Loan
Council approved a $15,000 Store Front Loan for Rob Svadlanka to make improvements to his Subway Store.

Library Rain Garden
Tristan Beaster of Cook County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) reported that original cost estimates for the Library Rain Garden project went from $7859 to $13,159 after actual bids for the project were received. As a result, the Cook County SWCD requested an increase of $1324.69 in the City's contribution to the Library Rain Garden project. Council approved the increase. Council approved contracting with low bidder Crawford Excavating for the project. The City may contribute with funding or in-kind. This project is part of a US Coastal Grant and supported by the City, County and State.

Liquor License Renewals
Council approved 14 liquor license renewals for 2009-10. All applicants are required to have completed the appropriate paperwork, including proof of insurance, and paid the necessary fee. All renewals are contingent on a successful background check by the Sheriff.

2010 Budget Considerations
Council approved Resolution 2009-10 approving the preliminary 2009 tax levy, collectible in 2010 for a total of $802,657 including a general levy of $601,802. This preliminary levy will be used by the County Auditor to prepare parcel specific tax notifications. The preliminary levy may not be exceeded without specific emergency reasons. Council will continue to review the budget for ways to reduce the levy.

In spite of a significant reduction in Local Government Aid for 2010, the Council has set the preliminary levy at an increase of 3% or approximately $24,000. In anticipation of the LGA cuts, Council began work to manage the budget early in 2009. Huge credit goes to the City Department Heads and City Staff for working hard to reduce spending and/or increase revenues without reducing City services.

One Percent Local Option Sales Tax
Jan Sivertson, Chair of the 1% Sales Tax Committee, updated Council on community efforts being made to pass the November 3 Referendum. Earlier in 2009, Council identified passing the 1% Sales Tax as a priority as a way to fund a Community Center/Pool/Recreation Area.

(Note: I encourage every Cook County voter to educate themselves about the One Percent Local Option Sales Tax and the opportunity it presents for the residents of Cook County.)

Council & Staff Reports
Kay Costello reported that the Library has begun the process of strategic planning with other members of the Arrowhead Regional Library Association.
Jan Sivertson reported on the serious EDA budget concerns, Business Park re-zoning considerations and Superior National Golf Course revenues. She also shared the good news that 10 Cook County homes will be undergoing rehabilitation projects under the Small Cities Grant for income qualified home owners. Most of these homes are located within the City of Grand Marais.
Tim Kennedy reported on the Biomass Project noting that the committee continues to work on a Business Plan to determine the economic viability of the proposed project.
Kim Dunsmoor reported a tolerable increase of 5% in health insurance costs while other municipalities are suffering with increases between 11-27%.
Sue Hakes reported that she had the opportunity to welcome and visit with Bonnie Dahl--author of Superior Way--while she stayed in the Grand Marais Harbor September 1-3. Ms. Dahl reported to the Great Lakes Cruising Club the details of the new docks, recent dredging and plans being considered to enlarge the marina.

Mark Your Calendars
Wed September 30 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Tues October 13 Time TBD Community Forum on 1% Sales Tax (Sponsored by WTIP, Cook County News Herald and Community Ed)
Wed October 14 at 3:30 PM Council Worksession
Wed October 14 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wed October 28 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Tues November 3---Referendum Mail-In Ballots due at Cook County Courthouse
Wed December 9 at 6:00 PM Budget & Levy Hearing (formerly known as Truth in Taxation Hearing)