Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson along with City Attorney Chris Hood (via phone), Mike Roth, and Kim Dunsmoor were all present for today's Worksession and Council Meeting. Also present for portions of the the Council Meeting were Tom Nelson and Linda Chappelle. EDA Board Member Mark Sandbo was present for the Worksession.
Council Worksession on Economic Development Authority (EDA)
Yesterday, a small group of West End Business Owners, as well as members of the EDA Golf Course Subcommittee, gave a presentation to the full EDA Board at their regularly scheduled meeting. This is a very similar presentation to the one given to Hakes and Roth a couple of weeks ago. The purpose of today's worksession was for the full City Council to get updated on the state of the EDA, in particular Superior National Golf Course (SN)
Jan Sivertson and Mike Roth summarized for the Council, the presentation that was given to the EDA. The basic premise is that SN is losing money due to declining golf rounds caused by too little marketing and ~$1.5M in deferred capital improvements. The West End Business Community proposes a solution to the problem that includes stabilizing the SN financial needs, providing long-term management, and fulfilling the original purpose of the Golf Course to bring tourists to Cook County. The group is proposing resolving the SN financial problems through use of Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) funds, One Percent Sales tax Funds and increasing the EDA Levy. They are also proposing that SN be managed by and leased to a to-be-created Non-Profit Corporation. Sivertson reported that the EDA voted at their June 8 Meeting to support these concepts.
Council had a healthy discussion about the EDA, the proposed concepts and what role or influence the City Council has in resolving the financial problems of SN. Mayor Hakes opened the discussion with comments that the EDA is a joint City and County effort with (2) struggling assets--Superior National Golf Course and the Cedar Grove Business Park. Council acknowledged the problems at Superior National and discussed the pros and cons of the proposed solution. Hakes also requested that in addition to resolving the problems at Superior National that the EDA give attention to the problems at the Business Development Park. The Council supports working with the County to resolve the problems at both the Golf Course and the Business Park. Council also expressed concerns that increasing funding to the EDA without addressing the management issues will not solve SN problems.
The EDA, supported by the West End Business Community, will make its presentation to the County Board on June 22.
City Council Meeting
Open Forum
Librarian Linda Chappelle reported that the Library Board sent a Request for Proposals (RFP) to 10 architectural firms for the Library Expansion Project. A Pre-proposal Conference is scheduled for June 18th at the Library for interested architects.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved with (1) minor correction.
Sawtooth Challenge Mountain Bike Race
Council unanimously approved the Street Permit for the Sawtooth Challenge Mountain Bike Race requested by the Superior Cycling Association. This event is scheduled for April 28, 2010 downtown Grand Marais.
Water Emergency and Conservation Plan
Council unanimously voted to adopt the Water Emergency and Conservation Plan for the City of Grand Marais as presented by Tom Nelson. The plan has already been approved by the MN DNR. Council noted points of interest within the plan. Water usage has actually decreased over the past 20 years although population has increased; this is likely due to community conservation efforts. The amount of water unaccounted for peaked in 2004 and has gone down fairly significantly over the past 3 years. The largest user of water by volume is the Water Treatment plant; the Grand Marais Pool is ranked as the 8th largest user.
Stormwater Projects Cost-Share Grant
Tristan Beaster, Cook County Soil and Water, asked Council to approve a Cost-Share Grant Agreement for ~$16,670 ($12,497 grant plus $4,165 cost-share) to be applied toward any of (3) projects to repair streets damaged in the June 6, 2008 storm. Projects that may benefit from these projects include 10th Avenue and 11th Avenue between First and Second Streets and Humphrey Circle; all streets are gravel. Property owners will also be asked to participate, perhaps by paying for new larger driveway culverts. Projects need to be completed by June 3, 2012 with construction anticipated in 2011. Council approved the request unanimously.
IRR Community Business Partnership Grant Annual Report
Council reviewed the Annual Report submitted to Iron Range Resources as required by our agreement with the State of Minnesota acting by and through its Office of the Commissioner of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation.
Other Items as Necessary
Mike Roth asked the Council to consider how to resolve overgrown lawns in the residential or commercial areas of Grand Marais. Council authorized Mike Roth to write a letter to the property owner in these instances and ask them to mow the grass.
Council & Staff Reports
Bill Lenz reported that year-to-date revenues are up at the Rec Park, Pool and Golf Course. He also reported that the Park Board has eliminated the $25 fee to apply for a Special Events permit and that the Park Board will absorb the ~$400 cost to move buoys for the Dragon Boat Festival. Lenz also noted that Grand Marais will be host to a 50' boat within the month.
Kay Costello reported on the Library Board Meeting. She also asked Bill Lenz for an update on the Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council meeting held last month.
Tim Kennedy reported that the Planning Commission is considering a request for a Home Occupation Conditional Use Permit from Ron Lund to have an Art Studio in his home. The Planning Commission requested further information from Lund.
Jan Sivertson reported that the Universiy of Minnesota Crookston met with the EDA Board regarding the marketing of the Cedar Grove Business Park. U of M Crookston noted that our Business Park faces unique challenges including small population for workforce and limited airport facilities.
Mike Roth reported that KGM is working on the road at the Business Park.
Sue Hakes reported that she had a very productive conversation with Bruce Leng, owner of the former Theatre Building downtown. Leng understands the potential for a safety issue at the building and will consider doing some work to the front side. Hakes agreed to provide Leng with information regarding the Store Front Loan program and possibility of receiving a grant if/when building is ever demolished. Hakes reported that Stan Linnell and Peter Hark of the DNR will be in Grand Marais to meet with the Council regarding the Safe Harbor and Marina on June 29. A possible tour of the waterfront will be included in the meeting. Hakes asked Roth if the YOUR SPEED IS SIGN had been ordered; Roth reported that it has been ordered and it should arrive soon. Lastly, Hakes requested that Council consider using orange Crosswalk Flags at (1) intersection as a beta test to see if they help pedestrians cross more safely by letting motorists know of their intentions. Hakes proposes that Council authorize her to work with Roth and Lenny Bloomquist of the Streets Department to provide flags and monitor their use. Council had questions about how the Public would be informed of the project. Hakes has a call in to the Transportation Planner at Salt Lake City Utah to see how their city built this program in 2000.
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, June 30 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, July 14 at 3:30 pm, Worksession--Budget
Wednesday, July 14 at 4:30, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, July 28 at 4:30, City Council Meeting