Dawn Johnson, Women's Business Network Program Director for the Northeast Entrepreneur Fund (NEF), was gracious enough to schedule a meeting with me to meet the NEFs newly hired Business Developer, Tom Furman. Johnson, Furman and I met at City Hall to discuss the programs available at NEF and how residents of Grand Marais and Cook County might take advantage of their classes, consulting and loans offered.
According to their website...
The Northeast Entrepreneur Fund helps people start and grow successful, locally owned small businesses. Its mission is to promote the entrepreneurial spirit and create economic wealth and diversity. NEF provides training, consulting and financing to emerging and small businesses in northeast Minnesota and northwest Wisconsin.
If you are a busines owner, or wish to start a business, please consider the services of the Northeast Entrepreneur Fund. They may be able to give you just the advantage you need.
Contact Info:
Dawn Johnson dawnj@entrepreneurfund.org
Tom Furman tomf@entrepreneurfund.org
Also, be sure to watch for the monthly Women's Business Network Lunches in Grand Marais. These events are co-sponsored with Cook County Higher Ed and will resume this Fall. They are great events for broadening ones knowledge and support base in owning and operating a small business.