Note: This update is for meetings held May 26, 2010.
Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson were all present for both the Budget Worksession and City Council Meetings. Also in attendance were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Chris Hood (via telephone). Dave Teersteg was present for the Budget Meeting.
Budget Worksession
City Administrator Mike Roth gave an overview of recent activity regarding the State Budget and Year-To-Date Summary. Cuts to the City of Grand Marais 2010 Budget include a previous $73,647 reduction in Local Government Aid (LGA) and the recent $33,352 reduction in Market Value Homestead Credit (MVHC).
Council considered several options for addressing the $33,352 reduction in the City's budget and ultimately voted unanimously on the following: 1) Cut $9600 allocated for cable transfer, 2) Defer ~$20K of the $30K allocated for Rec Park Site upgrades, 3) Reduce $4000 reserved for Council Priorities.
City Council Meeting
Open Forum
No member of the Public opted to speak at the Open Forum.
Consent Agenda
The consent agenda was approved with minor corrections to the Meeting Minutes.
Chamber of Commerce
Permits were granted to the Chamber of Commerce for both the Annual Classic Car Show to be held June 12 and Fourth of July Parade on the evening of July 4.
Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP)
George Wilkes of CCLEP presented the modified Cook County/Grand Marais Energy Planning Program proposal to the City Council. Instead of separate County and City programs, the project has been submitted jointly at the request of the customer (MN Office of Energy Security EECBG) for a total of $50,000 of grant funding. If funded, the City and County will work with CCLEP to hire a contracted consultant to conduct a community-wide planning process to develop energy efficiency and renewable energy goals, policies, and implementation strategies. The City will cost-share with some labor.
Wilkes also requested a letter of support from the Council for their $262,160 proposal entitled "Supporting Community-Driven Sustainable Bioenergy Projects". The goals of this project are to develop and share information and tools that address key questions about the viability of community bioenergy systems. The Council voted 4-1 to provide the requested letter of support. Mayor Hakes voted against providing the letter stating she does not support asking for $262,160 for a project that has not been fully described or understood.
Planning Commission Report
Council approved Resolution to approve a Conditional Use Permit for Greg Nichols and Kirsten van den Berg to operate a fitness studio as a home occupation. Council voted 3-1 in favor of the Resolution with Costello opposed. Mayor Hakes abstained.
Hazardous Buildings
Prompted by public concerns brought forward about the condition of the former theatre building, Council asked Mike Roth and Attorney Chris Hood to present the various ways to address Nuisance/Hazardous Buildings within the City of Grand Marais. The range of options is wide and includes Local Ordinance City Code Chapter 22, State Law regarding Hazardous Buildings, Due Process, Improvement through Incentive, and Hazard By Repair Order. Public Safety was clearly the main concern of the Council. Mayor Hakes volunteered to contact the property owner to discuss the safety concern.
Grand Marais Playhouse Request (GMPH)
The GMPH requested $1500 in support of the Summer Internship program at the Playhouse. Due to budget constraints, Council regrets being unable to support this program.
Council & Staff Reports
Kim Dunsmoor reported that Fire Chief Ben Silence intends to hire (6) Firefighters.
Mike Roth reported that he and Mayor Hakes had been meeting with North House Folk School (NHFS) regarding plans to build the Green Building and any potential impact to the current lease. Just this week, NHFS informed Hakes and Roth that plans to move forward with the Green Building have been pushed out to 2011 or beyond.
Mayor Hakes reported that Jan Horak called with an idea improve pedestrian safety by providing orange crosswalk flags at busy intersections. Believing the idea has merit, Hakes is exploring the idea. Hakes also reported that she attended a Community Center Meeting with Bob Fenwick, Beth Schwarz, and Diane Booth. The majority of the meeting was spent determining who should be represented on the Community Center Steering Committee using the suggested members from the One Percent Committee for the C0mmunity Center as a guide. Hakes, along with Dave Teersteg and Bill Lenz will represent the City. Hakes reported that several business owners from the west end, along with (2) members of the EDA Golf Course Committee requested a meeting with Hakes and Roth to express their concerns about the condition of Superior National Golf Course. A Council Worksession will be scheduled to discuss ideas about resolving financial problems at both the Golf Course and the Business Park.
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, June 9 at 3:30 pm, Worksession to discuss EDA Golf Course/Business Park
Wednesday, June 9 at 4;30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, June 30, at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Budget Worksession and City Council Meeting Notes
1% Sales Tax,
North House Folk School