The White House Project (WHP)is a nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization that aims to advance women’s leadership in all communities and sectors—up to the U.S. presidency—by filling the leadership pipeline with a richly diverse, critical mass of women. (For more information click on the link at the right of this page.)
Nevada Littlewolf (WHP Rural Field Leadership Organizer) and Liz Johnson (WHP Midwest Director) are currently doing outreach work throughout Northern Minnesota. Their visits to rural communities will serve dual purposes of 1) educating communities about Leadership Training opportunities, and 2) listening to women in rural communities about local needs around women's leadership.
Grand Marais White House Project Event
February 26, 2009
3:00 - 5:00 PM (Join us for all or part of the time as you are able.)
Java Moose downtown Grand Marais
Come meet with Nevada and Liz to learn more about leadership educational opportunities offered by the White House Project. Be assured that they will make every attempt to provide a welcome, comfortable and worthwhile experience for everybody attending. Note that the leadership training offered by the White House Project applies to all forms of leadership--political, business, community organizing, non-profit, neighborhoods and more!
Everyone is welcome! Join us and bring a friend or your daughter, niece, sister, mom, grandma, granddaughter or aunt!
On a personal note...
I had the good fortune to attend The White House Project Debate Boot Camp seminar last summer. I learned a lot. More importantly, I feel I gained a network of support that I can tap into at any time.