Once again the agenda was full for the Grand Marais City Council Meeting with (2) additional agenda items being added for consideration: Economic Development Authority Request (EDA) and Personnel Issues. Note: Councilor Tim Kennedy was absent from this meeting.
Below is a summary of the meeting:
Rod Wannebo of the Cook County Tennis Association announced that the CCTA was awarded a grant from the US Tennis Association in the amount of $44,700 for their tennis court reconstruction project. The project is still slated for completion by July 1, 2009. Tennis is one of the fastest growing sports in America and plays an important part in the economic growth of Cook County.
Best Western Superior Inn & Suites and East Bay Suites asked the City Council to endorse their request for special liquor legislation. This special legislation would permit the City of Grand Marais to issue liquor licenses to the Best Western and East Bay Suites to sell intoxicating liquor, beer and wine to their lodging guests and their invitees, and to persons attending meetings or other organized events at these lodging establishments. This request was discussed at length and ultimately supported by the Council 3-1. Sue Hakes cast the dissenting vote stating that before she can support it she needs a better understanding of the economic impact and fairness of the legislation.
Bill Lenz reported that the Friends of the Pool have raised $7000 toward the approximate $20,000 needed for purchase and installation of an Aquaclimb System at the Grand Marais Pool. This climbing wall is intended for fun & exercise, particularly for kids and young adults. The Council voted unanimously to write a grant to the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation for an additional $5,000 for this project. The Friends of the Pool will also be requesting support from the County.
The Economic Development Authority requested a short term loan at 6% from the City in an amount not-to-exceed $200,000 to operate Superior National Golf Course for the 2009 season. In the past, the EDA has obtained a line of credit from a local lender; the State Auditor has denied their request to continue this type of borrowing. Again, the discussion about the pros and cons of this action were lengthy. In the end, the Council voted unanimously to make the loan subject to an acceptable risk assessment from the City's financial advisor Ehlers & Associates, approval from the Bond Council, approval from the State Auditor for this type of intergovernmental loan and an acceptable Note documenting the terms of the loan. The Council also required that the EDA seek half of this loan ($100K) from the County.
In response to an email from Sue Hakes regarding the Stimulus Bill, Congressman Jim Oberstar suggested the City of Grand Marais direct any efforts for a Safe Harbor & Marina project toward the Army Corp of Engineers. Mr. Oberstar requested that we forward a project description and cost estimate directly to him to forward on to the Detroit Office of the Corp for review and evaluation. The Council voted unanimously to host the DNR for a Worksession to respond to Mr. Oberstar's offer to help. This Worksession is being scheduled for March 17 from 9 AM to NOON. The public is encouraged to attend.
The Council voted unanimously to promote Tom Stockman to Property Maintenance Supervisor. Congratulations Tom!
Hal Greenwood applied for and was unanimously approved to fill the remaining open position on the Economic Development Authority. Carol Backlund applied for and was unanimously approved to fill (1) of (2) open positions on Planning & Zoning. Both Hal and Carol hold other City Board positions (PUC and Park Board respectively). Their extra commitment is appreciated.
Mark Your Calendars!
2/25 3:30PM Worksession--Budget
2/25 4:30PM City Council Meeting
3/2 8:00-4:00PM Full Day Worksession to set 2009 Priorities
(at North House Folk School)
3/11 4:30PM City Council Meeting
3/17 9:00-Noon Worksession with DNR on Safe Harbor & Marina
3/25 4:30PM City Council Meeting
Call City Hall at 387-1848 to confirm dates & times.