Budget Worksession
The State has un-allotted $37,949 of the 2008 LGA (Local Government Aid) and has reduced the amount of LGA to be paid in 2009 by $49,700. LGA reductions for 2010 are currently estimated to be $103,783 and could increase.
Mike Roth gave a high level overview of recent spending history and the City's 2009 Budget. By April, the Council and City Staff will prepare a list of possible budget cuts for Council's consideration.
Local Government Aid to the City of Grand Marais has been in a steady decline since 2001 when it was $365,199 to its current 2010 projection of $80,426.
City Council Meeting Notes
Open Forum
John McClure expressed concern about the fairness of his removal from the Planning Commission.
Jim Shinners stated the urgency and importance surrounding the 1% Sales Tax opportunity before Cook County. Shinners asked the Council for support in this effort.
Agenda Items
There are (2) applicants for the remaining opening on the Planning Commission: John McClure and Jim Shinners. John McClure is re-applying for the position he abandoned due to absenteeism. (City Ordinance No. 2004-01 ordains that a position is deemed abandoned if the person holding that position is absent from (3) consecutive meetings or is absent for more than 25% of meetings during a calendar year.) Council elected to table this appointment until further consideration could be given to the issue of absenteeism.
Greg Wright, Executive Director of North House Folk School, presented the October 2008 "Economic Impact of NHFS on the Cook County Community", as well as the results of the North House Alumni Survey. Wright also updated the Council on the North House Raise the Roof project, requesting that the City and North House begin working toward negotiating an agreement (previously supported in a Letter of Intent) allowing the construction of the "Green Building" on property leased from the City.
A Public Hearing for the Creechville Annexation has been scheduled for 5:00 PM on April 8 at City Hall. This proposed annexation includes property in the Blackwell addition not previously annexed and surrounded by City limits.
The agenda for the City of Grand Marais Prioritization Workshop was approved. This meeting will be held at North House Folk School on March 2 from 8-4:30. City Department Heads and the Council will participate in setting City priorities for the next 2 years.
Bill Lenz reported on the most recent Park Board Visioning meeting. He talked about the importance of public input to the process and will work with the Park Board and the Consultant on how to get that input. The next Park Board Visioning Worksession is scheduled for March 17 at 3:30. Further information and meetings are posted on the Grand Marais Rec Park and Campground website.
Mark Your Calendars
Feb 26 4:00 PM Joint CCST Meeting at Courthouse
Mar 2 8:00 AM City Planning Workshop at Eckel Fish House (NHFS)
Mar 11 4:30 PM City Council Meeting at City Hall
Mar 17 9-Noon Safe Harbor/Marina Meeting with DNR at location TBD
Mar 25 4:30 PM City Council Meeting at City Hall