Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson were all present for today's City Council Meeting. Also in attendance were Park Manager Dave Tersteeg, Tina Hanson and Attorney Robert Scott filling in for Christopher Hood. Absent were Mike Roth and Kim Dunsmoor.
Open Forum
(3) members of the Harbor Park Committee--Bette MacDonald, Jim Shinners and Richard Olson--addressed the Council during the Open Forum to ask the Council to consider the creation of a Public Arts Commission. The purpose of such a commission would be to approve and site public art on city property. Council agreed to discuss the idea of a Public Arts Commission at a future Council meeting. The Harbor Park Committee went on record in opposition of the recently proposed memorial flag pole for Harbor Park. Mayor Hakes reported that Park Johnson withdrew the request for a flag pole in memory of Dick Joynes at Harbor Park.
Christmas Parade Street Permit
Council unanimously approved the Chamber of Commerce permit request for their annual Christmas Parade to be held on November 23 from 5:30-6:30 pm. The City is decorating downtown Grand Marais with decorations and lights. Anybody interested in volunteering to decorate Harbor Park may meet at Harbor Park this Friday, November 12, at 9 AM to help.
Pool Repairs
The Municipal Pool building sustained damage to the roof and walls during the wind and rainstorm on 10/27 and is closed until further notice. The League of MN Cities insurance adjuster has been on site to assess the damage and authorize temporary repairs to prevent further damage. The insurance adjuster, city staff and contractors met on Friday, 10/29; bids were solicited for replacement of the entire rubber roofing system and additional carpentry work on damaged walls. Tersteeg presented bids for this work to Council for consideration.
After a lengthy discussion, Council agreed unanimously to repair the storm damage to the roof and walls. The City's deductible is $10,000 and the repairs wll take approximately 1 month to complete. Mayor Hakes and Park Board Member Robin DuChien both received several phone calls from the public in support of repairing the pool.
Council agreed to recess today's Council meeting and reconvene Friday, November 12, at 1 PM to select a contractor to do the repair work.
Rezone Request
Council supported the unanimous recommendation of the Planning Commission with a 1st reading of the Ordinance to rezone Lots 3-17, Block 26 Harbor Addition from C/I Commercial Industrial to MU Commercial-Residential Mixed Use zoning. Among other findings, it was determined that the C/I zoning was not appropriate for this area, and the MU zoning will allow the current single family uses as well as low impact commercial uses.
Council & Staff Reports
Bill Lenz reported that the Park Board is in the process of reviewing their rates for 2011. He also reported that both Park and Golf revenues are up. The 10/27 storm caused damage to the boat ramp at the City Marina, as well as damage in Boulder Park.
Kay Costello reported that the Library has selected DSGW Architectural firm for the Library expansion project.
Jan Sivertson reported that the EDA has created a board to manage the Superior National Golf Course. She also noted that the EDA has paid back their loan to the County. Sivertson solicited feedback from the Council about the direction they believe the EDA should take.
Tim Kennedy reported that he met with Safe Routes to School (SRTS) to discuss the drop off area at Great Expectations School. He also worked with Kim Dunsmoor to intervivew candidates to lead the City/County Energy Plan. And, Kennedy is part of the committee interviewing for a local coordinator to work on the biofuels project with Dovetail Partners.
Sue Hakes shared that the 7th grade class from GES will be coming to City Hall next Monday for a tour and presentation on City government to be given by Hakes. She also reported that the Community Center Steering Committee is making steady progress with ORB Management with a schedule to complete the Community Center by the end of 2012.
Mark Your Calendars
Thursday, November 18 at 4:00 pm, Joint CCST Meeting at ISD 166
Tuesday, November 30 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting (note deviation from regular schedule)
Wednesday, December 8 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Thursday, December 8 at 6:00 pm, Budget Comment Meeting
Wednesday, December 29 at 4:30, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
City Council Meeting
1% Sales Tax,
Harbor Park,
Planning Commission,