Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson were all present for today's regularly scheduled City Council Meeting. Also present were City Administrator Mike Roth, Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor and Park Manager Dave Tersteeg. City Attorney Christopher Hood was in attendance via telephone.
Open Forum
Steve Schug of the US Forest Service gave the Council an overview of the coming Boy Scout's Order of the Arrow project. In June 2011, approximately 500-700 Boys Scouts and their leadership will be coming to Grand Marais to voluntarily work several projects including improvements to the Superior Hiking Trail, building a single track bike trail in the Pincushion and Tofte areas and improving campsites in the area of the Vegetable Lakes chain. This project is about mentoring young men and women in leadership and providing community service. Council agreed this will be a great event for Grand Marais and Cook County.
Consent Agenda
Council approved Consent Agenda with no changes.
Planning Commission Report
Council unanimously approved a request from Crystal Nelson for a conditional use permit to operate a quilting class as a home based business at her property located in the R-1 district.
Pool Boiler
Council considered the request from the Park Board to authorize funds for the replacement of the pool boiler at an estimated cost of between $15,000 and $20,000. The LPG central boiler that heats the pool building, domestic hot water, big pool and hot tub has developed cracks in 2 of 7 heat exchangers. Council tabled the issue until more information is provided regarding the cost of a used boiler, resale value and payback period.
IRR Renewable Energy Grant Agreement
The City of Grand Marais has been awarded a renewable Energy Grant from the Iron Range Resources Board to install a solar photovoltaic electrical system at the Gunflint Hills Golf Course.
Council & Staff Reports
Tim Kennedy reported that the Planning Commission is still considering the request to rezone the southern portions of 7th and 8th Avenues West in Grand Marais from C/I to Mixed Use or R1.
Jan Sivertson reported that the EDA unanimously voted to create a 7-member Superior National Management Board. Details are to be worked out. Sivertson also reported on the North Shore Management Board where an overview of the Silver Bay Eco Business Park was given.
Kay Costell0 reported that the Library Board has selected an Architectural Firm to recommend to the County Board for the Library expansion.
Sue Hakes reported that the Garden Club called her to say they do not endorse the installation of a memorial Flag Pole in Harbor Park. Mike Roth reported that he received a phone call from the DNR in response to his inquiry about whether or not a flag pole could be installed. The DNR informed Roth that more details are required.
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, October 27 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, November 10 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Thursday, November 18 at 4:00 pm, Joint City/County/School/Tribe Meeting
Wednesday, November 24 at 4:30, City Council Meeting (day before Thanksgiving)