Present for today's Budget and City Council Meetings were Mayor Hakes, Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson. Also present were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Attorney Chris Hood (via telephone).
Budget Meeting
Council discussed the 2011 Budget for the City of Grand Marais and set the preliminary levy at 3%. The preliminary levy is a not-to-exeed; the final levy will be set in December. Setting the budget was difficult due to the uncertainty of Local Government Aid. The State has notified the City that we will receive $155,000 in LGA and $49,000 in Market Value Homestead Credit, but it is extremely unlikely that Grand Marais will received those amounts and could receive zero. The City will also be negotiating their union contract this Fall.
Council Meeting
Open Forum
No member of the Public opted to address the Council at the Open Forum.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved.
Planning Commission Report
Tim Kennedy and Mike Roth gave an overview of (2) issues discussed at the 9/1/2010 Planning Commission Meeting:
1) Stanley Poole and Nadine Maki are requesting a zoning amendment to change Lots 3-17 Block 26 in the Harbor Addition from C/I (Commercial Industrial) to MU (Commercial/Residential Mixed Use). Approximately 15 residents attended the public hearing regarding this request, many with questions and comments. The Planning Commission is considering expanding the area for potential rezoning and will hold a new public hearing on October 6.
2) The Planning Commission considered several options to address the recent MN Supreme Court decision regarding variances : a) creating a new setback standards for property line setbacks, b) create an expansion permit similar to the previous variance process, and c) work with the League of MN Cities to seek legislative change. Creating new setback standards is a lengthy process with unintended consequences. Attorney Chris Hood informed Council that using an expansion permit is not consistent with the new State Law. So, the Planning Commission is leaning toward Option C to seek legislative change; the downside of this option is that it will take months or longer. Council instructed Mike Roth to write a letter to the League of MN Cities.
2010 Liquor Permit Renewals
Council approved the Liquor License renewals pending receipt of fee payment, Insurance Certificates, successful background checks, and no delinquences in local taxes or service payments. Once this is confirmed, the renewal forms will be sent to the State of MN.
Resolution 2010-12 Preliminary Levy
Council approved Resolution 2010-12 to set the prelininary levy which must be done prior to September 15 annually. This prelininary levy number is reported to the State and used by the County Auditor to prepare parcel specific tax notices. The City may not adopt a final levy greater than the prelininary levy. The final levy will be decided in December.
EECBG Lighting Retrofit Contract Approval
Council approved the grant agreement with the State for our Lighting Retrofit Project. Lighting fixtures will be replaced in City Hall, the Water Treatment Plant, the Waste Water Treatment Plant and the Park Building to increase lighting efficiency.
Burn Pile
Council discussed the agenda for the Public Meeting on September 29 at 5:00 pm on the Burn Pile. This Public Meeting will be posted next week. The Public is encouraged to attend and participate.
Council & Staff Reports
Kay Costello reported that the proposed Library expansion project is moving forward. The Library Board is reviewing proposals from several architectural firms and will be presenting their findings and suggestions to the City and the County Board.
Bill Lenz reported on the Rec Park income through August. The Campground is up $22k, while the pool and marina are each down ~$1300. Lenz also reminded the Council that WTIP Radio Waves is scheduled for this weekend in the Rec Park and promises to be a lot of fun.
Tim Kennedy reported that the Biomass Grant for a feasibility study continues to move forward with the LCCMR; Cook County is working with Ely on this $150k effort. Additional funding is being sought from the County Board for ~$113,000. Kennedy reported that the County is considering possible sources for this funding to be 1% Sales Tax funds and Forest Resource funds.
Jan Sivertson reported that the North Shore Management Board will be holding its annual meeting in Grand Marais on 9/30/2010.
Mike Roth reported that the new crosswalk over Highway 61 at the base of the Old Gunflint Trail (5th Avenue) is complete. Roth also reported that Southern Minnesota Municipal Power Agency will be at City Hall tomorrow (Thursday 9/9/2010) for its annual meeting. Mayor Hakes will welcome SMMPA members.
Sue Hakes reported receiving a letter from the Mayor and Planning Commission Chair from Two Harbors requesting support in amending regulations prohibiting new off-premise advertising signs along the North Shore Scenic Drive.
Mark Your Calendars
Thurs, September 9 from 9-Noon, Joint County/City/EDA at Courthouse
Wed, September 29 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wed, September 29 at 5:00 pm, Burn Pile Public Meeting
Wed, October 13 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wed, October 27 at 4;30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Setting the Preliminary Levy and City Council Meeting
1% Sales Tax,
Library Board,
Park Board,
Rec Park