Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy and Sivertson, along with Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and Chris Hood (via telephone) were all present for today's City Council Meeting. Also present was Grand Marais Volunteer Fire Chief Ben Silence. Councilor Bill Lenz was absent.
City Council Meeting
Open Forum
Jack Stone, Owner of Stone Harbor Wilderness Supply Company, asked Council to approve his request for seasonal kayak storage on the City-owned grassy area between the holding pond and stone beach east of his store. The kayaks would be stored on a rack specifically designed for this purpose and would be secured and insured by Stone Harbor Wilderness Supply. Council discussion of this request included zoning, approximate size of storage rack, location, specific use, liability, months of use, and termination of the request. No decision was made, but Council authorized Mike Roth and Chris Hood to draft a proposed lease for Council review at their next Council Meeting.
Consent Agenda
Consent agenda was approved with addition of Library Budget to today's Council Meeting.
Burbach Aquatics
(In 2005, the City of Grand Marais entered into an agreement with Burbach Aquatics for architectural services regarding repair, renovation or replacement of the Grand Marais Pool.) Council passed a motion to direct Mike Roth to contact the Cook County Board to request that the County use Burbach for the architectural services, including design and construction administration, related to the pool portion of the Community Center project, if the Comunity Center is to include a pool. Council also passed a motion authorizing Mike Roth and/or legal counsel to take all actions necessary to communicate with Burbach and/or other appropriate entities regarding the City's actions related to Cook County's proposed Community Center project.
Personnel Items
Council approved hiring James Daniel Ford as a new Paid-on-Call Firefighter. Council also approved hiring (2) part-time lifeguards.
Relief Association State Pension Cost Estimate
Council reviewed the Cost Analysis to estimate the on-going cost of joining the statewide volunteer firefighter retirement plan administered by PERA. Joining the statewide retirement plan was requested by the Grand Marais Volunteer Fire Department. After review of the costs, Council approved a resolution opting to join the voluntary statewide lump-sum volunteer firefighter retirement plan at the $1250 benefit level per year of service.
Library Budget
Council approved a .98% increase to the Library Budget which does not include any wage increases. The City will enter into contract negotiations in Fall 2010.
Council & Staff Reports
Jan Sivertson reported that the EDA received its Cost Benefit Analysis last week. Written reports are not yet available but have been requested.
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, August 11 at 3:30 pm, Budget Worksession
Wednesday, August 11 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, August 25 at 4:30 pm, City Council Meeting