Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy,Lenz and Sivertson were all present for today's City Council Meeting. Also present were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and City Attorney Chris Hood (via telephone).
Open Forum
No member of the public opted to speak at the Open Forum.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved with no changes.
Planning Commission Report
The Planning Commission has been discussing the regulations for roof signs. After exploring various factors in the design of roof signs, the Planning Commission has created draft ordinance amendment language for consideration. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider these amendments at their next meeting, March 3. The public is encouraged to attend.
Librarian I Job Description Review
City Staff and the Personnel Committee have completed a pay equity job review for the Librarian I position. Council unanimously approved the adjustment to the pay equity score.
Open Meeting Law Refresher
Supported by City Attorney Chris Hood, Mike Roth refreshed the City Council on the Open Meeting Law and how it applies. This training will be given to all City committees, boards, and other public bodies that must comply. In general, any time a public body meets, it must give advance notice and allow the public to attend. The Open Meeting Law protects the right of the public to be informed, allows the public to detect improper influence and gives the public a chance to provide input.
Council & Staff Reports
Bill Lenz reported that the Park Board has purchased (2) vacated moorings in the Grand Marais Harbor for $6K. He also reported that the Park Board is discussing repairs to the road in the Rec Park along 8th Avenue to the Sliding Hill. The Pool will be closed 3/1 thru 3/5 for annual cleaning & maintenance. And, Lenz happily announced that anybody over age 100 can use the Pool for free!!
Kay Costello reported that the Library Board met.
Tim Kennedy reported that the Planning Commission is looking at how development occurs within the City of Grand Marais on un-sewered lots to determine if any changes are needed.
Jan Sivertson reported on the EDA. Currently the EDA is struggling with cash flow and has asked the County for $100K. She also noted that there is a $40K deficit from 2009. There is not enough money to pay Director Matt Geretschlager at this time. The EDA Golf Course Committee has also gone before the County Board to request $25K for capital improvements to Superior National Golf Course.
Sue Hakes reported that she attended and enjoyed the Grand Marais Fire Department Annual Meeting and Dinner last week. Hakes asked Roth for an update on the Shoreline Motel sign repair/replacement. Roth reported that Mark Sandbo (General Manager of the Shoreline Motel) has hired a contractor to tear off the loose sheet metal from the sign. This work will be done this Friday or Monday of next week.
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, February 24 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Thursday, February 25 at 4:00 Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council Meeting at Courthouse
Wednesday, March 3, PUC Public Hearing on roof signs.
Wednesday, March 10 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Wednesday, March 31 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
City Council Meeting and Open Meeting Law Review
Fire Department,
Library Board,
Park Board,
Rec Park