Last Thursday, the quarterly Joint CSST meeting was held at the Courthouse. The purpose of these meetings is to share information on a somewhat informal basis. The agenda is set and agreed to at the beginning of these meetings. The public is welcome to attend and listen.
Safe Routes to School
After the agenda was set, the Safe Routes to School group made an informational presentation. The goal of this group is to work with parents, schools and local government to improve safe routes for all children and encourage children to walk and bike to school. The local Safe Routes to School group consists of approximately 30 community members and is part of a larger national effort. A request by the group was made for the County and City to consider Safe Routes to School priorities when planning future road and sidewalk improvements.
Asian Carp and VHSV
Tribal Chairman Norman Deschampe reported that Grand Portage is working with Senator Al Franken's office to protect Lake Superior from Asian Carp infestation. He also expressed grave concerns about the VHS virus which is already documented in Lake Superior and like Asian Carp, will cause fish mortalities. Deschampe also reported that the Grand Portage Tribe has received authority to participate in Joint Powers Agreements; this news was received very positively.
ISD School 166
School Board Member Eric Kemp shared the ISD166 School budget concerns and outlined potential solutions. The proposed State cuts are deep and will likely result in both program and personnel cuts. The School Board is also considering a referendum.
The County reported that Cook County was unsuccessful in its bid for a Federal Grant to build Broadband services in Cook County. It appears the County Board is uncertain about submitting a proposal for a 2nd phase of Federal grants. Commissioner Bob Fenwick also reported on the bill currently before the State Legislature to reduce from 65% to 50% the referendum vote needed before Cook County can operate its own telephone exchange; the outcome of this bill is not yet known.
One Percent Sales Tax Projects
County Board members acknowledged that prioritizing and allocating funds for One Percent Projects is a priority they need to work. Mayor Hakes advocated for the Community Center, the project for which Community support was strongest. Fenwick said there is "no project higher" on the County's list at this time.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
City Council Meeting
Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson were all present for today's City Council Meeting. Also present were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and City Attorney Chris Hood (via telephone).
Open Forum
No member of the Public opted to speak at the Open Forum.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved with no changes.
Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP)
George Wilkes and Buck Benson of CCLEP came before the Council to discuss (2) immediate opportunities for working together in the pursuit of grant funding from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Program (EECBG). The State Department of Commerce, Office of Energy Security, extended the deadline for this local government grant to March 3.
City Staff and CCLEP worked together to identify a project that could be funded by this grant. Council voted unanimously to support the submission of an application to retrofit the existing lighting in City-owned buildings including City Hall, Park Office and bath houses, water and wastewater treatment plants. Success in obtaining this grant will accelerate the City's ability to do this necessary work this year instead of having to wait. The City intends to hire a local electrician to conduct the retrofit work which would start almost immediately after the grant is awarded.
Council voted unanimously to make a 2nd grant application to EECGB for the creation of a City of Grand Marais Energy Effiiciency Plan. If successful, the grant will fund a consultant to lead the effort to identify and prioritize energy efficiency goals for residential, commercial and government buildings. The effort would also develop strategies for implementing and monitoring any plan ultimately defined and approved by the City Council. Matching funds will be provided through CCLEP volunteer time and City Staff support.
Council and CCLEP spent some time discussing how to best work together. Council agreed to hold a Worksession on March 31 to identify and prioritize the City's energy efficiency goals and projects. Once that list is created, Council will work with CCLEP to find areas of overlap and ways to pursue joint funding. Council views CCLEP as a valued community asset and wants to take advantage of their knowledge, passion and skills.
Council and Staff Reports
Tim Kennedy reported that members of the group working on Safe Routes to School will be making a presentation to the Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council at their meeting tomorrow (2/25).
Jan Sivertson reported that she has received some feedback about the potential change to the Sign Ordinance. She encouraged those with concerns to attend the PUC Public Hearing on the matter at their March 3 meeting.
Bill Lenz reported that he attended yesterday's Community Center Meeting. Input from stakeholders is being collected.
Sue Hakes reported that the Governor's budget is proposing a reduction to the City's Local Government Aid (LGA) of just under $80K. Hakes requested a Worksession to discuss the 2010 budget and LGA reduction in March or April to plan for this unallotment. Hakes also reported that she received a call from Lyle Gerard regarding International Workers in Grand Marais, how they are supported and possible ways to improve their experience. Hakes will coordinate a meeting of interested community members.
Mark Your Calendars
Thursday, February 25 at 4:00 PM, Joint CCST ad the Courthouse
Wednesday, March 3 at 4:00 PM, PUC Meeting and Public Hearing at City Hall
Wednesday, March 10 at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeing
Wednesday, March 31, at 3:30 PM, Council Worksession on Energy Efficiency
Wednesday, March 31, at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeting
Open Forum
No member of the Public opted to speak at the Open Forum.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved with no changes.
Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP)
George Wilkes and Buck Benson of CCLEP came before the Council to discuss (2) immediate opportunities for working together in the pursuit of grant funding from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Program (EECBG). The State Department of Commerce, Office of Energy Security, extended the deadline for this local government grant to March 3.
City Staff and CCLEP worked together to identify a project that could be funded by this grant. Council voted unanimously to support the submission of an application to retrofit the existing lighting in City-owned buildings including City Hall, Park Office and bath houses, water and wastewater treatment plants. Success in obtaining this grant will accelerate the City's ability to do this necessary work this year instead of having to wait. The City intends to hire a local electrician to conduct the retrofit work which would start almost immediately after the grant is awarded.
Council voted unanimously to make a 2nd grant application to EECGB for the creation of a City of Grand Marais Energy Effiiciency Plan. If successful, the grant will fund a consultant to lead the effort to identify and prioritize energy efficiency goals for residential, commercial and government buildings. The effort would also develop strategies for implementing and monitoring any plan ultimately defined and approved by the City Council. Matching funds will be provided through CCLEP volunteer time and City Staff support.
Council and CCLEP spent some time discussing how to best work together. Council agreed to hold a Worksession on March 31 to identify and prioritize the City's energy efficiency goals and projects. Once that list is created, Council will work with CCLEP to find areas of overlap and ways to pursue joint funding. Council views CCLEP as a valued community asset and wants to take advantage of their knowledge, passion and skills.
Council and Staff Reports
Tim Kennedy reported that members of the group working on Safe Routes to School will be making a presentation to the Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council at their meeting tomorrow (2/25).
Jan Sivertson reported that she has received some feedback about the potential change to the Sign Ordinance. She encouraged those with concerns to attend the PUC Public Hearing on the matter at their March 3 meeting.
Bill Lenz reported that he attended yesterday's Community Center Meeting. Input from stakeholders is being collected.
Sue Hakes reported that the Governor's budget is proposing a reduction to the City's Local Government Aid (LGA) of just under $80K. Hakes requested a Worksession to discuss the 2010 budget and LGA reduction in March or April to plan for this unallotment. Hakes also reported that she received a call from Lyle Gerard regarding International Workers in Grand Marais, how they are supported and possible ways to improve their experience. Hakes will coordinate a meeting of interested community members.
Mark Your Calendars
Thursday, February 25 at 4:00 PM, Joint CCST ad the Courthouse
Wednesday, March 3 at 4:00 PM, PUC Meeting and Public Hearing at City Hall
Wednesday, March 10 at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeing
Wednesday, March 31, at 3:30 PM, Council Worksession on Energy Efficiency
Wednesday, March 31, at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
City Council Meeting and Open Meeting Law Review
Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy,Lenz and Sivertson were all present for today's City Council Meeting. Also present were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor and City Attorney Chris Hood (via telephone).
Open Forum
No member of the public opted to speak at the Open Forum.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved with no changes.
Planning Commission Report
The Planning Commission has been discussing the regulations for roof signs. After exploring various factors in the design of roof signs, the Planning Commission has created draft ordinance amendment language for consideration. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider these amendments at their next meeting, March 3. The public is encouraged to attend.
Librarian I Job Description Review
City Staff and the Personnel Committee have completed a pay equity job review for the Librarian I position. Council unanimously approved the adjustment to the pay equity score.
Open Meeting Law Refresher
Supported by City Attorney Chris Hood, Mike Roth refreshed the City Council on the Open Meeting Law and how it applies. This training will be given to all City committees, boards, and other public bodies that must comply. In general, any time a public body meets, it must give advance notice and allow the public to attend. The Open Meeting Law protects the right of the public to be informed, allows the public to detect improper influence and gives the public a chance to provide input.
Council & Staff Reports
Bill Lenz reported that the Park Board has purchased (2) vacated moorings in the Grand Marais Harbor for $6K. He also reported that the Park Board is discussing repairs to the road in the Rec Park along 8th Avenue to the Sliding Hill. The Pool will be closed 3/1 thru 3/5 for annual cleaning & maintenance. And, Lenz happily announced that anybody over age 100 can use the Pool for free!!
Kay Costello reported that the Library Board met.
Tim Kennedy reported that the Planning Commission is looking at how development occurs within the City of Grand Marais on un-sewered lots to determine if any changes are needed.
Jan Sivertson reported on the EDA. Currently the EDA is struggling with cash flow and has asked the County for $100K. She also noted that there is a $40K deficit from 2009. There is not enough money to pay Director Matt Geretschlager at this time. The EDA Golf Course Committee has also gone before the County Board to request $25K for capital improvements to Superior National Golf Course.
Sue Hakes reported that she attended and enjoyed the Grand Marais Fire Department Annual Meeting and Dinner last week. Hakes asked Roth for an update on the Shoreline Motel sign repair/replacement. Roth reported that Mark Sandbo (General Manager of the Shoreline Motel) has hired a contractor to tear off the loose sheet metal from the sign. This work will be done this Friday or Monday of next week.
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, February 24 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Thursday, February 25 at 4:00 Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council Meeting at Courthouse
Wednesday, March 3, PUC Public Hearing on roof signs.
Wednesday, March 10 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Wednesday, March 31 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Open Forum
No member of the public opted to speak at the Open Forum.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved with no changes.
Planning Commission Report
The Planning Commission has been discussing the regulations for roof signs. After exploring various factors in the design of roof signs, the Planning Commission has created draft ordinance amendment language for consideration. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider these amendments at their next meeting, March 3. The public is encouraged to attend.
Librarian I Job Description Review
City Staff and the Personnel Committee have completed a pay equity job review for the Librarian I position. Council unanimously approved the adjustment to the pay equity score.
Open Meeting Law Refresher
Supported by City Attorney Chris Hood, Mike Roth refreshed the City Council on the Open Meeting Law and how it applies. This training will be given to all City committees, boards, and other public bodies that must comply. In general, any time a public body meets, it must give advance notice and allow the public to attend. The Open Meeting Law protects the right of the public to be informed, allows the public to detect improper influence and gives the public a chance to provide input.
Council & Staff Reports
Bill Lenz reported that the Park Board has purchased (2) vacated moorings in the Grand Marais Harbor for $6K. He also reported that the Park Board is discussing repairs to the road in the Rec Park along 8th Avenue to the Sliding Hill. The Pool will be closed 3/1 thru 3/5 for annual cleaning & maintenance. And, Lenz happily announced that anybody over age 100 can use the Pool for free!!
Kay Costello reported that the Library Board met.
Tim Kennedy reported that the Planning Commission is looking at how development occurs within the City of Grand Marais on un-sewered lots to determine if any changes are needed.
Jan Sivertson reported on the EDA. Currently the EDA is struggling with cash flow and has asked the County for $100K. She also noted that there is a $40K deficit from 2009. There is not enough money to pay Director Matt Geretschlager at this time. The EDA Golf Course Committee has also gone before the County Board to request $25K for capital improvements to Superior National Golf Course.
Sue Hakes reported that she attended and enjoyed the Grand Marais Fire Department Annual Meeting and Dinner last week. Hakes asked Roth for an update on the Shoreline Motel sign repair/replacement. Roth reported that Mark Sandbo (General Manager of the Shoreline Motel) has hired a contractor to tear off the loose sheet metal from the sign. This work will be done this Friday or Monday of next week.
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, February 24 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Thursday, February 25 at 4:00 Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council Meeting at Courthouse
Wednesday, March 3, PUC Public Hearing on roof signs.
Wednesday, March 10 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Wednesday, March 31 at 4:30 City Council Meeting at City Hall
Fire Department,
Library Board,
Park Board,
Rec Park
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Precinct Caucus Night
Join your friends and neighbors tonight at your local precinct caucus.
In Grand Marais the Democratic Caucus is being held at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts (ACA); the Republican Caucus is being held at the Community Center. Both start promptly at 7 PM; it may be a good idea to get there a bit early to register.
In Grand Marais the Democratic Caucus is being held at the Arrowhead Center for the Arts (ACA); the Republican Caucus is being held at the Community Center. Both start promptly at 7 PM; it may be a good idea to get there a bit early to register.
Monday, February 1, 2010
John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon
27th Running of the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon
The Beargrease racers are entering Cook County today; there are several place for spectators to enjoy what always promises to be an exciting and fun-filled event!
Follow along by going to where you can not only track your favorite musher, but you can also learn about dog mushing, race events, history of the race, and good places to spectate!
Have fun!
The Beargrease racers are entering Cook County today; there are several place for spectators to enjoy what always promises to be an exciting and fun-filled event!
Follow along by going to where you can not only track your favorite musher, but you can also learn about dog mushing, race events, history of the race, and good places to spectate!
Have fun!
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