If you've been a regular reader of this blog, you'll note that this entry is a bit cryptic. Please accept my apology. I'm leaving town in the morning for a few days and do not have the luxury of elaborating. As always, Council meeting minutes will be published in the Cook County News Herald and on the City's website; they are also available by contacting City Hall at 387-1848.
City Council Meeting
The Grand Marais City Council held its first meeting of 2010. In attendance were Mayor Hakes, Councilors Kay Costell0, Bill Lenz and Jan Sivertson. Tim Kennedy was absent. Also in attendance were City Administrator Mike Roth, Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor; City Attorney Chris Hood was connected via telephone.
Eric Humphrey addressed the Council during the OPEN FORUM, requesting that the City discuss possible solutions for improving snow removal in the downtown area. Council agreed to add this to the agenda on January 27 and ask Lenny Bloomquist of the Street Department to participate.
General housekeeping issues were addressed including Council Board appointments (no changes from current assignments), selection of the Acting Mayor (Jan Sivertson), designation of the official newspaper (CCNH) and depositories, and acceptance of the reduced 2010 mileage rate to $.50/mile.
The Council also approved a Storefront Loan for "The Garage" from Jill Terrill. Steve Lack's request for a variance to subdivide his property was approved; this approval was consistent with the Planning Commission recommendation. And, the Council upheld the Planning Commission's decision to deny the Great Expectations School sign variance because the sign is larger than the Sign Ordinance allows.
Council heard Buck Benson and George Wilkes of Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP) present (2) project ideas. The Council agreed to write a letter of support for CCLEP to be used in their pursuit of grants.
Finally, Jan Sivertson gave a report on the EDA. Bill Lenz gave an update on AEOA housing rehabilitation. Sue Hakes reported on meeting with NHFS, Shoreline sign replacement progress, and pending Norwegian documentary film planned for this summer.
The next City Council Meeting is scheduled for 4:30 PM on Wednesday January 27, 2010. As always, the public is encouraged to attend.