Mayor Hakes and Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson were all present for today's City Council Meeting. Also in attendance were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor, Lenny Bloomquist (Property Maintenance Supervisor), and City Attorney Chris Hood (via telephone).
Open Forum
No member of the public opted to address the Council.
Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda was approved with one grammatical correction.
Sidewalk Winter Maintenance
At the January 13, 2010 City Council Meeting, business owner Eric Humphrey requested that the Council and City discuss solutions for improving snow removal in the downtown area. In addition to Humphrey's request, the City and the Council have heard from a few other concerned citizens regarding trouble spots on the sidewalks and snow removal in downtown Grand Marais. Council agreed to invite Len Bloomquist, Property Maintenance Supervisor, to today's Council Meeting to discuss the problem areas and make a plan.
Bloomquist gave the Council a very complete overview of the process, equipment and schedule for clearing the downtown sidewalks and streets in Grand Marais. The goal of the Street Department is to remove the snow from the downtown sidewalks and streets before anybody needs to go downtown or park downtown. Generally, the work of the street department begins at 3:00 AM with sidewalk clearing first, followed by plowing the streets.
Technically, the responsibility of sidewalk snow removal belongs to the property owner. However, City Crews currently remove snow from all of the sidewalks in the commercial area south of Highway 61, the bike trail from the west city limits to the post office, from First Avenue West, and from County Road 7. The snow removal in the commercial area is done concurrently with street snow removal as all the snow is relocated to stockpile areas.
The City does not remove snow until is snows 3 inches or more. And, the removal of snow from the sidewalks is limited by the size and maneuverability of the equipment used, currently a Bobcat skid steer loader. For these reasons, the City is unable to keep the sidewalks completely snow free. The detail work of cleaning the sidewalks is up to the property owners.
After a reasonably lengthy discussion, Council agreed that there is likely confusion in the public about the snow removal services the City provides, when and where. Council agreed that Mike Roth would draft a letter to property and business owners in the commercial area with information about the City's snow removal process.
Council noted the obvious that winter rainfall and slush have caused a lot of ice on the sidewalks and streets. Council also agreed with Humphrey that it is important that our sidewalks and roadways be cleared, making it easy for pedestrians to walk safely in our downtown area. Councilor Kennedy also talked about the importance of safe walking routes to school and the work being done to improve that.
The Public is encouraged to call City Hall at 387-1848 with sidewalks and streets that are problems and the City crews will work to make those areas passable and safe. The Council is hopeful that by everybody working together we can improve the snow/ice removal in downtown Grand Marais.
Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP)
At the January 13, 2010 Council Meeting, CCLEP requested that the City make application to the State Office of Energy Assistance for various projects totaling $100,000. It was CCLEPs intention to provide the complete application for Council review before submission. However, because CCLEP realized the due date for this application was January 25 and not January 29 as originally believed, CCLEP was unable to to move forward.
As agreed at the January 13, 2010 meeting, Council did supply a letter of support for a CCLEP project for a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) to the Environmental Pollution Agency (EPA). This project was supported by the Council 3-1 with Hakes casting the dissenting vote on the basis that neither CCLEP nor the Council was familiar with the content of the proposal or the potential commitment of the City.
Council and Staff Reports
Bill Lenz reported that the Community Center committee met and agreed to poll all potential stakeholders in a future Community Center to identify their needs and wants.
Kay Costello noted that the Joint Powers Recreation Board is still not meeting until further direction is given.
Tim Kennedy reported on the progress being made by the Safe Routes to School Project and suggested it be discussed at the next Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council meeting. Kennedy also noted that the Broadband Committee has begun discussing Broadband implementation and that the Fiber Optic Commission has been appointed. Both Kennedy and Roth will continue to represent the PUC and the City on this Committee.
Jan Sivertson delivered a check for $100,000 from the EDA to the City as payment for the loan granted by the City to support the cash flow for Superior National Golf Course. The EDA did not make their interest payment to the City, but recognizes the debt and intends to make that payment when able to. Sivertson also reported that the EDA is forming a sub-committee to plan for the financial future of the EDA. The committee will consist of 2 County, 2 City and 3 EDA representatives. Hakes and Kennedy both volunteered to be part of that committee and Council approved unanimously.
Sue Hakes shared with the Council that an "Undoing Racism" workshop has been scheduled for April 7, 8. and 9 and suggested that the City and the Council each ask for volunteer participation. Estimated cost for each participant is $100. Hakes was a participant in the Workshop a few years and ago and found the experience to be extremely valuable in raising awareness and thinking in a new way. Hakes also asked Roth for an update on the replacement of the Shoreline Motel sign. Council agreed that Mike Roth should contact Mark Sandbo (Shoreline Motel manager) about immediately removing the potentially dangerous large metal piece that is flapping in the wind. Roth also reported that Mark Sandbo provided a copy of the contract with the Sign Company for the new sign. There is no date for the replacement of the sign, but downpayment has been made. Council will continue to follow up.
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, February 10 at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeting
Wednesday, February 24 at 4:30 PM, City Council Meeting
Thursday, February 25 at 4:30 PM, Joint C/C/S/T Meeting at location TBD
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
First Council Meeting in 2010
If you've been a regular reader of this blog, you'll note that this entry is a bit cryptic. Please accept my apology. I'm leaving town in the morning for a few days and do not have the luxury of elaborating. As always, Council meeting minutes will be published in the Cook County News Herald and on the City's website; they are also available by contacting City Hall at 387-1848.
City Council Meeting
The Grand Marais City Council held its first meeting of 2010. In attendance were Mayor Hakes, Councilors Kay Costell0, Bill Lenz and Jan Sivertson. Tim Kennedy was absent. Also in attendance were City Administrator Mike Roth, Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor; City Attorney Chris Hood was connected via telephone.
Eric Humphrey addressed the Council during the OPEN FORUM, requesting that the City discuss possible solutions for improving snow removal in the downtown area. Council agreed to add this to the agenda on January 27 and ask Lenny Bloomquist of the Street Department to participate.
General housekeeping issues were addressed including Council Board appointments (no changes from current assignments), selection of the Acting Mayor (Jan Sivertson), designation of the official newspaper (CCNH) and depositories, and acceptance of the reduced 2010 mileage rate to $.50/mile.
The Council also approved a Storefront Loan for "The Garage" from Jill Terrill. Steve Lack's request for a variance to subdivide his property was approved; this approval was consistent with the Planning Commission recommendation. And, the Council upheld the Planning Commission's decision to deny the Great Expectations School sign variance because the sign is larger than the Sign Ordinance allows.
Council heard Buck Benson and George Wilkes of Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP) present (2) project ideas. The Council agreed to write a letter of support for CCLEP to be used in their pursuit of grants.
Finally, Jan Sivertson gave a report on the EDA. Bill Lenz gave an update on AEOA housing rehabilitation. Sue Hakes reported on meeting with NHFS, Shoreline sign replacement progress, and pending Norwegian documentary film planned for this summer.
The next City Council Meeting is scheduled for 4:30 PM on Wednesday January 27, 2010. As always, the public is encouraged to attend.
City Council Meeting
The Grand Marais City Council held its first meeting of 2010. In attendance were Mayor Hakes, Councilors Kay Costell0, Bill Lenz and Jan Sivertson. Tim Kennedy was absent. Also in attendance were City Administrator Mike Roth, Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor; City Attorney Chris Hood was connected via telephone.
Eric Humphrey addressed the Council during the OPEN FORUM, requesting that the City discuss possible solutions for improving snow removal in the downtown area. Council agreed to add this to the agenda on January 27 and ask Lenny Bloomquist of the Street Department to participate.
General housekeeping issues were addressed including Council Board appointments (no changes from current assignments), selection of the Acting Mayor (Jan Sivertson), designation of the official newspaper (CCNH) and depositories, and acceptance of the reduced 2010 mileage rate to $.50/mile.
The Council also approved a Storefront Loan for "The Garage" from Jill Terrill. Steve Lack's request for a variance to subdivide his property was approved; this approval was consistent with the Planning Commission recommendation. And, the Council upheld the Planning Commission's decision to deny the Great Expectations School sign variance because the sign is larger than the Sign Ordinance allows.
Council heard Buck Benson and George Wilkes of Cook County Local Energy Project (CCLEP) present (2) project ideas. The Council agreed to write a letter of support for CCLEP to be used in their pursuit of grants.
Finally, Jan Sivertson gave a report on the EDA. Bill Lenz gave an update on AEOA housing rehabilitation. Sue Hakes reported on meeting with NHFS, Shoreline sign replacement progress, and pending Norwegian documentary film planned for this summer.
The next City Council Meeting is scheduled for 4:30 PM on Wednesday January 27, 2010. As always, the public is encouraged to attend.
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