A Proclamation by the President of the United States...
Domestic violence touches the lives of Americans of all ages, leaving a devastating impact on women, men, and children of every background and circumstance. A family's home becomes a place of fear, hopelessness, and desperation when a woman is battered by her partner, a child witnesses the abuse of a loved one, or a senior is victimized by family members. Since the 1994 passage of the landmark Violence Against Women Act, championed by then Senator Joe Biden, our Nation has strengthened its response to this crime and increased services for victims. Still, far too many women and families in this country and around the world are affected by domestic violence. During National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we recommit ourselves to ending violence within our homes, our communities, and our country.
This evening in Grand Marais, about 2 dozen community members, friends and neighbors held a candlelight vigil at Java Moose to remember the women, children and men that died this year in Minnesota as a result of domestic violence. The group then walked to Harbor Park to light the Tree of Hope. This special tree is decorated with small purple lights and will be lit from dusk to dawn. The purpose of the tree is to raise awareness about the problem of domestic violence and to let everyone who is a survivor of violence know that they are not alone.
If you or someone you know needs help, call the Violence Prevention Center in Grand Marais at 387-1237 or go to: http://www.boreal.org/violencepreventioncenter/MainLFrame.html