Sue Hakes, Kay Costello, Tim Kennedy, Bill Lenz and Jan Sivertson were all present for today's City Council Meeting. Also present were Mike Roth, Kim Dunsmoor, Attorney Chris Hood, Dave Tersteeg, Amber Rude.
Open Forum
No members of the public opted to speak at the Open Forum.
Violence Prevention Center Request
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Jodi Yuhasey of the Violence Prevention Center requested permission to put up a 6-7 foot tree in the grassy triangle space at the intersection of Highway 61 and Wisconsin Avenue (near Java Moose). The tree will be decorated with small purple lights and will be lit from dusk to dawn. The purpose of the tree is to raise awareness about the problem of domestic violence and to let everyone who is a survivor of violence know that they are not alone.
Council approved the request 5-0.
Park Master Plan
Park Manager Dave Tersteeg presented to Council the Goals & Policies and Master Plan Map that was approved unanimously by the 7-Member Park Board. The Master Plan is the result of a 13-month/$20k effort led by the Park Board and made possible by a 2008 Lake Superior Coastal Program Grant. The Park Board made their recommendation based on significant public input received from October 2008 through July 2009 through a series of Listening Sessions, Public Forums and Park Board Meetings. Key features in the Park Plan include an improved Park Entrance in the extreme NE corner, new/improved trails along the water's edge featuring the natural shoreline and wetland area, new and improved playground area, reserved space for motorized trail under the power line, improved public space in the SW corner (point) including year-round Events Pavilion. Approximately 30 campsites are planned to be moved from the NE corner to allow more open space and accomodate a future new Park/Marina Office. New, replacement campsites are planned for the area currently being used as a softball field. It is anticipated that both the Pool and Softball Diamond will become part of the Community Center/Recreation Area being planned for near the existing Community Center. The plan also calls for the PUC Garages to be re-located outside of the Rec Park. The recommended plan is consistent with and supports the Goals of the City Council as established in early 2009.
Council approved the recommended Master Plan 3-2. Mayor Hakes thanked the Park Board for their hard work in this effort and for delivering a Master Plan that met the goals & objectives established.
EDA Business Park and Bond Repayment
Council discussed the current state of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) as it relates to the EDA's inability to repay the $1.6M G.O. Bond due in January 2010. Council expressed frustration that the EDA has not been pro-active in the development of an overall strategy and marketing plan to sell lots in the Cedar Grove Business Park. Mayor Hakes will draft a letter to the EDA asking for specific action to be taken regarding business development lot sales.
Council & Staff Reports
Tim Kennedy reported on the progress being made by the PUC in restoring electricity to customers after the Monday 9/28 storm event. All City Departments have been involved in this work and are to be commended for team play. A particular note of gratitude was given to the Electrical Department. Kennedy also reported that the Biomass Committee continues to work on their cash flow analysis to determine project viability.
Jan Sivertson gave an update on efforts being made by the One Percent Committee to educate the public about the opportunity before us. Volunteers are needed; contact Jan Sivertson if interested in helping out.
Mark Your Calendars
Wed October 14 at 3:30 PM City Council Worksession
Wed October 14 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wed October 28 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
TUESDAY November 10 at 3:30 PM City Council Worksession
TUESDAY November 10 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wed November 19 4:00 PM Joint CCST Meeting at the Courthouse
TUESDAY November 24 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Note the change from Wed to Tuesday for both City Council Meetings in November.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
City Council Meeting & Other Notes
1% Sales Tax,
2009 Priorities,
Park Board,
Rec Park Visioning,
Safe Harbor/Marina