Slowly but surely the City is improving Pedestrian Safety and slowing traffic along Highway 61 in Grand Marais. The Council has been working with MnDOT Traffic Engineer Rob Ege and the Street Department and have accomplished the following:
1. Pedestrian crosswalks have been repainted.
2. An additional crosswalk was added near 3rd Avenue and the Dairy Queen.
3. Additional "STOP FOR PEDESTRIANS" signs have been purchased and placed at the new crosswalk and at the 5th Avenue crosswalk.
4. Two "EVENT CONGESTION AHEAD" signs have been ordered and will arrive in August. In the meantime, two signs of this type have been borrowed from MnDOT for the Dragon Boat Festival and Fisherman's Picnic.
5. The City has applied for a permit to install an electronic "YOUR SPEED IS" sign at the west end of town on Highway 61.
The City intends to continue working with MnDOT and Sheriff Falk to resolve pedestrian and traffic safety issues in Grand Marais.
Each of us can help improve safety issues in our town by remembering to "Watch out for the other guy!"