Mayor Hakes and Councilors Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson were present for today's Budget Worksession and City Council Meeting. Councilor Costello was absent. Park Manager Dave Tersteeg, City Administrator Mike Roth, Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor and City Attorney Don Davison were also present at one or both meetings.
Budget Worksession
The Council continues to work hard on the budget to prepare for proposed Local Government Aid (LGA) cuts, increased expenses, and spending in accordance with Council priorities.
Dave Tersteeg has already implemented cost saving measures resulting from labor savings, minor reduction in pool hours, storage & marina revenues and resale of some novelty items in the Park Office.
Librarian Linda Chappell has also identified and implemented cost savings measures for the Library including the decision to not hire a Library Page.
Council examined the allocation of space and rent payments by tenants at City Hall (City, PUC, Liquor Store, Visitor Center, City Attorney, EDA) Adjustments to rents paid will be made as appropriate resulting in a more accurate understanding of costs.
City Council Meeting
Open Forum
Grand Marais resident Jan Nosker carefully articulated his concerns about loud music in Grand Marais and asked the Council to consider noise abatement and EPA Guidelines in the revised Noise Ordinance. He also expressed his concern about amplified music being played at night and causing sleeping problems for residents.
Agenda Items
Vendor Permit
Council granted a vendor permit to Jack Stone of Fall River Trading to demonstrate and sell Langford canoes in the Grand Marais Harbor.
Chamber of Commerce/Grand Marais Area Tourism Association (GMATA) Update
Mark Sandbo reported on the progress being made on the proposed merger of the Chamber of Commerce, GMATA and Grand Marais Business Council. Inclusion of the Cook County Events and Visitors Bureau is also under consideration and discussion.
Noise Ordinance
An amendment to the existing noise ordinance to allow live musical performances was discussed. Council is proposing the allowance of amplified live music from Noon until Midnight on Fridays, Saturdays and Holidays and from Noon until 10:00 PM Sunday through Thursday. These changes will be incorporated into the existing noise ordinance. A PUBLIC HEARING on the proposed noise ordinance has been scheduled for 5:00 PM on Wednesday June 24, 2009. The public is strongly encouraged to attend and voice their preferences and concerns.
MN DOT Traffic Control Proposal
At the request of District Traffic Engineer Rob Ege, the St. Paul MN DOT Traffic Department has considered our request to change the speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph on Highway 61 at the top of the hill west of town. MN DOT is not convinced that this action would achieve the speed compliance we are seeking. Instead they are proposing that MN DOT install a 48" black/yellow "REDUCED SPEED AHEAD" sign in the same location the City is intending to place a permanent "YOUR SPEED IS" sign. MN DOT is also planning to do a before/after study to determine effectivness of these actions. Sue Hakes will request a written summary of MN DOTs proposal for review. Mike Roth will obtain pricing for the "YOUR SPEED IS" sign. It is anticipated that Council will approve purchase and installation of this sign at their next meeting.
City Attorney Work and Request for Proposals
City Attorney Don Davison resigned his position as Grand Marais City Attorney effective July 15, 2009. The City Council will meet Wednesday June 17 at 5:00 to discuss an RFP and solication of proposals to replace Davison.
Council & Staff Reports
Councilor Kennedy reported that the 1% Sales Tax Committee will be meeting Monday June 15 at 7:00 pm at the Courthouse. He also noted the public is invited to a 1% Sales Tax meeting on Tuesday June 16 at 7:00 pm at the Courthouse to address the expanded community center as part of the 1% sales tax. Kennedy also gave a progress report on the Cook County Local Energy Project.
Councilor Sivertson reported on the Economic Development Authority (EDA) including their progress on marketing/selling the Business Park Lots, Small Cities Development Grant projects, and the Benefits Analysis the EDA is preparing for the County Board.
Mayor Hakes reported that she is working to re-schedule a telecon with Larry Killian to discuss further the DNR requirements for a Safe Harbor and Marina in the Grand Marais Harbor, and how this might blend with Resolution 2007-05 passed under Mayor Evelyn Larsen.
Mark Your Calendars
Mon June 15 7:00 pm 1% Sales Tax Committee Meeting at the Courthouse
Tues June 16 7:00 pm Community Center as part of 1% Sales Tax at Courthouse
Wed June 17 5:00 pm City Council Meeting on Attorney RFP
Tues June 23 3:30 Park Board Master Plan Worksession at City Hall
Wed June 24 4:30 pm City Council Meeting
Wed June 24 5:00 pm PUBLIC HEARING on Noise Ordinance
Wed July 8 3:30 pm Worksession on Capital Improvements
Wed July 8 4:30 pm City Council Meeting
Wed July 29 4:30 City Council Meeting
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Budget Worksession and City Council Meeting Notes
1% Sales Tax,
2009 Priorities,
Noise Ordinance,
Park Board,
Safe Harbor/Marina