A full City Council participated in the Budget workshop. With the anticipation of cuts to Local Government Aid (LGA) in the amount of $50K for 2009 and $100K in 2010, City Staff prepared budget amendment options for Council review. Some budget amendments have already been implemented, others are being considered by the Council for immediate implementation, others will need more study, and a few may be rejected outright. Budget management and cuts will be on the Agenda at the May 27 City Council Meeting.
City Council Meeting
Open Forum
Jeff Cerniak shared his views about the potential Noise Ordinance in Grand Marais requesting that it be lenient toward musicians playing in downtown establishments. He also suggests Rec Park guests signing a waiver acknowledging that there is noise in the City of Grand Marais and that they accept City Ordinances and Policies.
Bob Glirbas expressed several safety concerns in the City including the need for stop signs in residential locations, crosswalks conflicting with parking, kids riding ATVs. He also questions why the City plows the snowmobile trail in front of the Post Office but not City sidewalks.
Variance(s) Granted
Mike Raymond was granted a variance from the shoreline setback of Lake Superior to expand his existing building on the north side. The intended use of this expansion is vacation rental. Raymond has agreed that any trees and shrubs removed during construction will be replaced.
Bruce Block and Mike Raymond were granted a variance from the shoreline setback of Lake Superior to allow an addition to the Sydney's Custard Shop for indoor dining space and restrooms. Conditions for fencing, handling of trash/recycling and replacement of any trees and shrubs removed during construction are part of the variance.
Fire District Boundary Changes
Council unanimously approved Fire Chief Ben Silence's request to expand the boundaries of the Grand Marais Fire Department Service Area from 21.33 acres to 83.38 acres to include the unorganized territories mostly along the Pike Lake Road. Official expansion of the response area will make it easier for dispatching calls. It will also help in getting grants. Property taxes will be affected for persons being added to the response area.
Noise Ordinance
Council agreed there is a need for revision to the current Grand Marais Noise Ordinance. Discussion was held around the importance of indoor and outdoor music for downtown businesses, festival sponsors, North House Folk School, local residents and tourists. It was also noted that some Grand Marais residents and guests are disturbed by the music, particularly late at night. Council agreed that the newly revised Noise Ordinance should be kept as simple as possible and that time constraints on when music is allowed are likely. Mike Roth will provide a draft for review at the next City Council Meeting. Before any new ordinance is passed, a public hearing will be held.
Council unanimously approved the Library Board's recommendation to hire Ann Ward in the position of Library Clerk.
Council unanimously approved the Personnel Committee's recommendation to hire a new full-time Supervisor in the Property Maintenance Department and to retain Tom Stockman as a full-time property maintenance worker. Council regrets that the (2) part-time positions in this department will be eliminated once the Supervisor position is filled.
Creechville Annexation
The second reading of Ordinance 2009-01 passed 4-1 with Bill Lenz voting against it. This Ordinance will be in full force and effect and final upon the date it is approved by the State Office of Administrative Hearings.
Council & Staff Reports
Tim Kennedy reported that the City/County are still waiting for legislative approval of the 1% Sales Tax. Kennedy also reported that the PUC is exploring the possibilities of biomass technology.
Jan Sivertson reported that the EDA is proposing an 80% reduction in hours/salary/benefits for EDA Director Matt Geretschlaeger, as well as the elimination of the part-time EDA administrative support position.
Bill Lenz reported that the finger piers have arrived and should be installed by the end of next week. He also reported that the Army Corp of Engineers is in the Grand Marais Harbor working to reinforce the outer breakwater.
Sue Hakes reported that the Harbor Friends have raised concerns about the wetland area near the PUC garage in the Rec Park. Molly Hoffman called Hakes last week to make her aware of:
a) concern about snowplowing into/near the wetland area,
b) a piece of plywood debris in the wetland area, and
c) PUC spools and other materials being stored too close to the wetland.
Mike Roth contacted Cook County Soil & Water Conservation Technician Tristen Beaster. After reviewing the site, Beaster acknowledged that some snowplowing debris (gravel) had entered the wetland area. Beaster recommended no action to remove this debris. Beaster did recommend adding more fencing where the snow was piled last winter to clearly define the wetland area.
The source of the plywood is unknown, but if anybody sees debris in the wetland or other park areas, they are encouraged to remove it or ask to have it be removed.
The boundary of the wetland is marked with rope and the PUC spool and other materials are not infringing on the wetland area.
Mark Your Calendars
Wed May 27 at 3:30 Capital Improvement Plan Worksession
Wed May 27 at 4:30 City Council Meeting
Thurs May 28 at 4:00 Joint City/County/School/Tribal Council at Grand Portage