The Grand Marais City Council once again covered a lot of ground in both today's City Council Meeting and Work Session "2009 Grand Marais City Priorities".
City Council Meeting Notes
Although there were several members of the Public in the Council Chambers, nobody spoke at the OPEN FORUM. I would like to encourage the Public to use the OPEN FORUM to address the Council with ideas or concerns about City Business. The OPEN FORUM is scheduled at the start of every City Council meeting.
Grand Marais Fire Chief Ben Silence presented a summary of the Fire Department for 2008. He detailed the number and nature of the 2008 calls, staffing & training, equipment inventory and equipment needs. Kay Costello thanked Ben and the Fire Department for their work and commitment. Her appreciation was echoed by the full Council.
Walt Mianowski was unanimously approved for a 1-year term on the Park Board. This appointment fills out the Park Board at (7) members. There are still (2) openings on the Planning & Zoning Board, and (1) opening on the Economic Development Authority. Interested Grand Marais residents are encouraged to apply.
Librarian Linda Chapelle and Ann Possis of WTIP gave an overview and invited the City Council to participate in the community-wide program to read "Better Together: Restoring the American Community" by Robert D. Putnam and Lewis M. Feldstein (with Dan Cohen). This Great Community Book Read is co-sponsored by WTIP, the Grand Marais Public Library and Cook County Extension. The overall goal of the project includes building community through bonding within community groups and more importantly, building relationships between individual community groups. The entire community is encouraged to participate in the project. Copies of the book are available at WTIP and the Grand Marais Library.
Certificates of Appreciation were signed by the full City Council for both Evelyn Larsen and Ed Bolstad for their recent contributions to Grand Marais as Mayor and Councilor, respectively. Their public service is acknowledged and appreciated.
Sue Hakes and Mike Roth gave a general overview of Governor Pawlenty's proposed cuts to Local Government Aid (LGA) as announced Tuesday, January 27, 2009. The Council agreed to hold its next work session to discuss the City's Budget and plan ahead for the likely reduction in LGA. This Work Session is scheduled for 3:30 PM on Wednesday, February 25, 2009.
City Council Work Session "2009 Grand Marais City Priorities Discussion"
The Council held a Work Session to discuss and establish 2009 Grand Marais City Priorities. Among the issues discussed were (in no particular order): 1% Sales Tax, Economic Development/Jobs, City Buildings/Capital Planning, Affordable Housing, Budget, Safe Harbor/Marina, Rec Park Visioning, Pedestrian Friendliness, Communications with Public, Contract/Vendor Review Process, Noise Ordinance.
Limited discussion was begun on most of these issues, but it quickly became clear that more time and thought is needed to flesh out and establish priorities. A full day workshop (tentatively at North House Folk School) has been scheduled for Monday, March 2.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule
Wednesday, 02/11/09 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wednesday, 02/25/09 at 3:30 PM Worksession--Budget
Wednesday, 02/25/09 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Monday, 03/02/09 All Day Worksession--2009 City Priorities
(exact time and location to be confirmed)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Council Meeting Notes & Setting 2009 Priorities
2009 Priorities,
Fire Department,
Library Board,
Park Board,
Rec Park