Mayor Hakes and City Councilors Costello, Kennedy, Lenz and Sivertson were all present at today's City Council Meeting and Budget Public Hearing. Also present were City Administrator Mike Roth, Finance Director Kim Dunsmoor, and City Attorney Chris Hood (via phone).
City Council MeetingOpen ForumNo member of the Public opted to speak at the Open Forum.
Consent AgendaThe Consent Agenda was approved with the addition of an agenda item to discuss the upgrading of Librarian I Job Description.
2010 Budget Discussion and Budget Public HearingCouncil discussed the 2010 City Budget prior to the Public Hearing and approved it after the 6:00 PM Public Hearing. No members of the Public were present at the Public Hearing (except WTIP and Cook County News Herald reporters).
Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2009-15 to set the final levy, collectible in 2010 upon the taxable property in the City of Grand Marais for a total of $802,657.38. Council set the same amount as the preliminary levy set at the September 9, 2009 Council Meeting. This amount represents an increase in the total levy of 3% ($23,000).
Council, City Staff and Department Heads have worked throughout all of 2009 to spend wisely and set a budget that is responsible. Final budget adjustments were made, resulting in ~$50,000 of unallocated funds.
The State has announced a $1.2 billion deficit that will require significant remedial action by the 2010 legislature. Governor Pawlenty has stressed that 2010 Local Government Aid (LGA) could be reduced to address this deficit. This means that the 2010 LGA allocation of $96,422 for Grand Marais is in jeopardy.
Council agreed the remaining ~$50,000 should be allocated for spending on the Council Priorities adopted in 2009 including PUC Maintenance Facility, Safe Harbor/Marina, Capital Improvement Planning, and the Municipal Building. However, this money will also be marked as a Contingency Fund should the State unallot all or part of the the $96,422 LGA for 2010. Council could have opted to decrease the levy, but felt it was too risky with the uncertainty surrounding LGA for 2010.
2010 Supervisor SalariesCouncil approved a 2.5% wage increase for supervisors in 2010. This is consistent with the 2.5% wage increase negotiated with AFSCME for union employees in 2009-2010.
2010 Board OpeningsThere are several board openings beginning in 2010. Serving on a City Board is a rewarding way to contribute meaningfully to the Community. Anybody interested in applying is encouraged to do so at City Hall. Open positions will be advertised in the local newspaper. Open spots include (2) on the Library Board, (2) on the Park Board, and (1) on the Public Utilities Commission.
Librarian I Position DescriptionCouncil approved the modifications recommended by the Personnel Committee to the Librarian I Position Description. These changes were made to more accurately reflect the responsibilities and qualifications required for this job.
Council & Staff ReportsTim Kennedy reported that Pete Grescyk is exploring the purchase of a lot in the Cedar Grove Business Park for septage pre-processing. A Public Hearing is set for December 14 at City Hall. (Contact 387-1848 to confirm time.) Kennedy also reported that the Biomass Committee explored the possibility of submitting a proposal for another Federal Grant. However, due to the 20/80 split the Committee decided not to submit.
Bill Lenz updated the Council on modest increase to the 2010 Fees at the Campground and Marina.
Kay Costell0 participated in the 2nd Strategic Planning for the Library this week. She also recommended the Friends of the Boundary Waters sponsored movie, "Precious Waters' about the environmental impact resulting from Sulfide Mining on the Iron Range.
Jan Sivertson reported that the EDA continues to work on the Cedar Grove Business Park Marketing Plan. The EDA listed the Business Park lots with Tim Kennedy, Owner/Broker of Gunflint Realty. The EDA is working closely with Kennedy to establish new pricing and determine special assessments. The EDA needs to create a plan to repay the City the $1.6 million debt plus interest for the General Obligation bonds sold by the City this month. Sivertson also reported that the EDA has not repaid the $100,000 loan to the City, but still intends to do so.
Sue Hakes shared that she has heard some public concern about Tim Kennedy being hired by the EDA to sell lots. Council discusssed this briefly noting that a legal opinion was obtained and it was determined that there is no conflict of interest for Kennedy to work with the EDA as their real estate broker. It was also noted that the Council does not have authority over the EDA or Kennedy in this matter. Hakes also reported that US Border Patrol representative Richard Fortunato invited Hakes and any member of the Council to meet to discuss issues of mutual concern. Hakes and Mike Roth will meet with Fortunato at the Border Patrol office on Thursday, December 17, at 10 AM. And lastly, Hakes reported that she presented the Council's letter to the County Board stating the Council's desire to be a part of the process to design and build a Community Center/Rec Area and build an addition on the existing Library. No specific feedback was given to Hakes from the County Board. The City Council will continue to advocate for a new Community Center in Grand Marais.
Mark Your CalendarsMon December 14 at 10:00 AM Public Hearing for EDA Lot Sale (call City Hall at 387 1848 to confirm date and time)
Wed December 30 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wed January 13 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting
Wed January 27 at 4:30 PM City Council Meeting